Story of the day....................
OK, OK, I know my last post was a little extreme but I was at a major breaking point......and I still am sort of.
Last Friday at 4:55 my office manager asked me to stick around after work to "talk". She said that I was a great person with a great personality but they needed someone who knew more about the medical field
So after 3 months and 25 days I was let go
I felt like such a loser about the whole thing really. I mean - they hired me knowing that I was new to the States and I didn't know much about U.S. medical insurances but they also knew that I was a licensed paramedic. I couldn't wrap my head around why they thought I didn't know enough about the "medical field" but settled for the fact that they needed someone who knew more about front office work than I did. Then on Monday morning the pieces fell into place. I called my work to get some final paper work sent to me when I was slipped a tid bit of info from one of the girls at the clinic. One of the Doctors I worked for had hired a relative to take my job
Rather than make me feel like shit about not being good enough they should have just come clean as to why I wasn't needed anymore.
In any case - I have been upset for a week now and it isn't doing me any good. Of course the timing couldn't have been worse with the new house, Pete leaving and my gramma passing away the week before Pete left
(a piece of info I hadn't posted on here until right now) but I guess I have to keep trucking on right?
So the job hunting is in full force. I have applied to so many jobs out here that I can't even keep track of where I have already sent resumes so people may be getting duplicate resumes from me
I have applied to everywhere from Doctors offices, to department stores and even to fast food places. Problem is that some places wont hire me because I dont have enough training and others wont hire me because I am too educated
Oh well - somthing has to come along soon or I am going to have to resort to stripping or somthing. My severence pay was only for 2 weeks so I am screwed if I don't find somthing by the end of next week. If any of you know of any jobs in the Murrieta, Temecula, Lake Elsinore area please let me know!!!!
In other news - I am officially a Dance Teacher again!
There is a brand new dance studio opening up in Lake Elsinore that I was just hired to teach at. Now before any of you say that it is great that I have a job...this is a very very very part time job.....more recreational really. I couldn't make a living at it if I tried but it will keep me busy while Pete is away. I will be teaching the advanced teenagers from ages 15-24. I can't wait because I hate teaching kids with no training so these girls will be able to do anything I throw at them. I am super excited though because I have so many ideas that I couldn't do with my old students because they were just too young and inexperienced. Anyways - we will see how this goes. Once the website is up and running for the studio I'll post the link
Also - I finally felt my first real earthquake! Of course I was indisposed in the restroom when it hit and all I could think was "Great...I'm gonna die on the toilet". My poor kittens were scared to death and still wont let me out of their sight if they know I am in the house. I thought it was seperation anxiety from Pete but I noticed that if I move around in bed and they feel the bed shake they start to freak out and try to get under the covers with me to cuddle. It is kinda cute but I feel bad too since they didn't know what was going on. Even as I type this I have them on my lap taking turns bathing each other.
Other than that - Pete is doing well although he hates it in Okinawa. He says it is too hot and they only get one day off a week
I'll try to remind him to update when he gets a chance
Well - I have rambled on long enough so I will leave you with Petes address once again:
HM2 Peter Anthony Poole
3/1 H&S Company (BAS)
Unite 40220
FPO AP 96609-0220
I hope everyone is happy and healthy.
OK, OK, I know my last post was a little extreme but I was at a major breaking point......and I still am sort of.
Last Friday at 4:55 my office manager asked me to stick around after work to "talk". She said that I was a great person with a great personality but they needed someone who knew more about the medical field

In any case - I have been upset for a week now and it isn't doing me any good. Of course the timing couldn't have been worse with the new house, Pete leaving and my gramma passing away the week before Pete left

So the job hunting is in full force. I have applied to so many jobs out here that I can't even keep track of where I have already sent resumes so people may be getting duplicate resumes from me

In other news - I am officially a Dance Teacher again!

Also - I finally felt my first real earthquake! Of course I was indisposed in the restroom when it hit and all I could think was "Great...I'm gonna die on the toilet". My poor kittens were scared to death and still wont let me out of their sight if they know I am in the house. I thought it was seperation anxiety from Pete but I noticed that if I move around in bed and they feel the bed shake they start to freak out and try to get under the covers with me to cuddle. It is kinda cute but I feel bad too since they didn't know what was going on. Even as I type this I have them on my lap taking turns bathing each other.
Other than that - Pete is doing well although he hates it in Okinawa. He says it is too hot and they only get one day off a week

Well - I have rambled on long enough so I will leave you with Petes address once again:
HM2 Peter Anthony Poole
3/1 H&S Company (BAS)
Unite 40220
FPO AP 96609-0220
I hope everyone is happy and healthy.
that sucks about the job I hope the dance teacher job becomes more full time

Me too. Moving back permanently seems like a no-brainer.