Story of the day.....................
Hello People!
I know, I know that I have been sucking at updating but come on.....I'm a career woman now
This first week of work has been a little bit of everything. Fun, scary, exciting, tiring and even had a bit of suprise to it
So far I can honestly say that:

Now - ask me again in 6 months to see if this is still the case but so far so good. The girls that I work with are awsome! They were friendly to me right from the start and the 3 Doctors that I work for couldn't be better bosses
In my first week alone I trained in both the front of the office as well as performing Medical work in the back (like starting IVs)
I just hope this job still means this much to me a year down the road
I know of 2 little individuals that aren't so happy with me working though
These guys are a bit upset that I am not around during the day now to hang out with them and play
but they are liking the fact that as soon as I get home, I take them out for some cuddle time
In other news, Pete and I think that we may have found our NEW HOME!!
We still have to go look at it from the inside but we stopped by the other day and poked our noses around the back yard and I am impressed so far. The pictures that are on the site to advertise the house got me already
Other than that, not much else is going on
Pete is sleeping and I don't want to hang around the house anymore so I am going to be a loser and go to a movie solo
How is YOUR weekend going???

Well - I didn't go to a movie tonight....pretty pathetic that I can't even hang out with myself
I don't like doing things by myself that would normally involve other people going for fun
I can't wait until I know the girls at work better so if I want to do somthing I can. The closest friends that I have that I would love to hang out with (you all know who you are) are pretty far away and usually need a bit more notice to do things with. It sucks bad right now and I hate it. It has been a very hormonal/emo day and I don't like days that end like this because all I feel like doing right now is having about 1000 drinks to drown my sorrows in
I thought that it would be better when I started work because I would be busy all day every day during the week and have fun on the weekends. Doesn't really work out in my favor if my other half is too tired to do stuff with me......not that I blame him (even though I did during an argument today). I dunno..................I just don't know. Maybe I'm pregnant - it would certainly explain the raging outbursts that I have been having all day
Well - I am giving in and having a drink - I don't care!!
Hello People!

I know, I know that I have been sucking at updating but come on.....I'm a career woman now

This first week of work has been a little bit of everything. Fun, scary, exciting, tiring and even had a bit of suprise to it

Now - ask me again in 6 months to see if this is still the case but so far so good. The girls that I work with are awsome! They were friendly to me right from the start and the 3 Doctors that I work for couldn't be better bosses

I know of 2 little individuals that aren't so happy with me working though

These guys are a bit upset that I am not around during the day now to hang out with them and play

In other news, Pete and I think that we may have found our NEW HOME!!

Other than that, not much else is going on

Well - I didn't go to a movie tonight....pretty pathetic that I can't even hang out with myself

Well - I am giving in and having a drink - I don't care!!
Hey lovely lady! I hope you are having a wonderful week.
Home, had a great weekend. How is the new job?