Story of the day.............
Well - I ended up going to the Disneyland auditions but didn't get very far this time around. Turns out I look NOTHING like any of the Disney Princesses
I thought that they were looking for dancers but it turns out that they were looking for face look alike characters that could dance. I also was too short for what they were looking for this time around too
Oh well - there are suppose to be dance auditions (that I am the right height for) soon so I will focus on that next time
Until then I guess I will just have to find a grown up job
At least we got to spend the day at both parks (thank you annual pass!)
I convinced Pete to go skating with me on Friday and I can't wait!! I haven't had the chance to skate all winter (well - what you Californians consider winter) and I am itching to get on the ice
Afterwards we are heading to some Irish pub in San Diego (some Moose place:confused) for a few drinks if anyone out there is interested in joining us
Other than that, nothing really new to report. I am hoping to make a stop at the Coast Guard Recruiting Centre on Friday too just to talk
Hope everyone had a great Hump Day!
Well - I ended up going to the Disneyland auditions but didn't get very far this time around. Turns out I look NOTHING like any of the Disney Princesses

I convinced Pete to go skating with me on Friday and I can't wait!! I haven't had the chance to skate all winter (well - what you Californians consider winter) and I am itching to get on the ice

Other than that, nothing really new to report. I am hoping to make a stop at the Coast Guard Recruiting Centre on Friday too just to talk

Hope everyone had a great Hump Day!

yaaaay for skating! it's been unseasonably warm here. in teh 50'sF. i heard it was -51 in your old home of sask the other day!
and an irish pub with the word moose in it, isn't really a true irish pub!