Story of the day...............................
Once upon a time in a land far away, there lived a little girl by the name of WhiteWidow (just go with it
). She had dreams of becoming a famous dancer one day and nothing was going to stop her from at least trying to reach her goal
From the age of 2 all the way until she graduated high school, she spent 5 nights a week training hours upon hours in order to be better at what she dreamed of being.

After High School she applied to a Performing Arts College and continued to train under some pretty amazing dancers
During this time she found an advertisment for a dance company looking for new talent and decided to finally try to make her dream come true. She succeeded

After graduation college and spending 6 years touring with her dance company (which isn't anywhere near as glamourous as it may sound), she was told that she was reaching an age that a dancer should consider retiring
This made her very sad
but she understood that she couldn't dance forever. Between her stage career and teaching dance classes to people of all ages, she was starting to not enjoy it as much as she had growing up - and this scared her
Then....................September 11th happened
and her whole outlook on life changed. She knew that dancing had to be put on hold to do this:

Life was good and she was happy with her decision.........but slowly she started to miss the life of a dancer and came to the conclusion that "once a dancer.....always a dancer" no matter what age they were
and started to take classes again
She even competed in her first dance competition in over 10 years!

This brings our story to somewhat of an end. After meeting her prince and getting married, she moved to Califorina to be with him and realized that she was going to be close to somthing that could be fun as a dancer (even if she didn't make it)

So it is official
The So You Think You Can Dance auditions are March 6-8th and I have decided to represent the older dancers out there
It is the last (and only) year I can audition because the cut off age is 30 at the time of audition
I don't even care if I make it or not.......because I will never know if I missed out if I don't try right??
I am horribly out of shape though so this is my motivation go get my ass in gear
On another note........I have been a jackass in getting my Christmas cards out this year so the are now officially "New Years" cards
Thats all the rambliing I have time for today but I hope everyone is doing well
Enjoy the holidays if you have the time off

Once upon a time in a land far away, there lived a little girl by the name of WhiteWidow (just go with it

After High School she applied to a Performing Arts College and continued to train under some pretty amazing dancers

After graduation college and spending 6 years touring with her dance company (which isn't anywhere near as glamourous as it may sound), she was told that she was reaching an age that a dancer should consider retiring

Life was good and she was happy with her decision.........but slowly she started to miss the life of a dancer and came to the conclusion that "once a dancer.....always a dancer" no matter what age they were

This brings our story to somewhat of an end. After meeting her prince and getting married, she moved to Califorina to be with him and realized that she was going to be close to somthing that could be fun as a dancer (even if she didn't make it)

So it is official

On another note........I have been a jackass in getting my Christmas cards out this year so the are now officially "New Years" cards

Thats all the rambliing I have time for today but I hope everyone is doing well

I'm so happy with the new job too!!... still keeping in mind what we talked about too... I hope you have a good christmas!!!