Story of the day...................
I must appologize for not being around much or getting back to all of you for that matter. As you may know, California was hit pretty hard with "FireStorm 2007" as the media is calling it. Some pretty scary stuff has been happening all over the state for the last week and it has been rather tough to not notice
First of all I just wanted to thank all of you who checked in to see if we were ok
It is so nice to know that you all care

So now for the story of the past week..............
I have to admit that I didn't even really know about the fires until last Monday when I happened to catch it on the news that day. I wasn't really worried too much because "It will never happen to me"
.........lesson learned with this one!!!!!!
So on Monday night I started to really notice the air getting thick with smoke which started to get me thinking that if I could smell it that strongly then it couldn't be THAT far away
I chose not to sleep that night to keep an eye on what was going on since Pete wasn't going to be home that night. Then Tuesday rolled around and thats when the reality really set in
That afternoon we found out that there was a fire on base which eventually turned into 2 later in the day
Still - they were far enough away that we weren't really affected except for the smoke and smell. It was then that all hell started to break free! Tuesday night I noticed that the orange glow in the sky was progressivly getting brighter and brighter
At this point I decided to start packing the stuff that could not be replaced (photos, important documents etc..) "just in case". Again - Pete was not allowed to leave his school so I was on my own. I thought that IF I had to leave at least I would have as much as I could take with me (including the little piglets - who were already freaking out because they knew somthing was wrong). I decided to once again not sleep because I had a feeling that if we were to evacuate this would be the night it would be happening. Sure enough - at 2am my neighbour started to frantically knock on our door to let me know that there was now a third fire started right behind our house and one of the 2 that were already burning was getting VERY close to our housing area. All I can say is thank god for my disaster training because I had my car loaded in record time, had called Pete to let him know what was going on and pass on the warning to other neighbours. I was so relieved to see that Petes command let him go to come help me move out and once both vehicles were loaded we were out of there!!!! At first we headed straight for the beach because out of all the places on base that was probably the safest at this point (at least the one we could get to). Of course after 2 days of no sleep and a major adrenaline rush I was starting to get antsy that we were going to be trapped so after a bit of a break we headed for Petes family in Temecula where they were so kind to open their home to me (since Pete had to go back to school). For the next 3 days all I could do was watch the news to see if my house was still standing
Finally on Friday I was allowed to go home and was so happy to see that the house was still standing that I could care less that we had an inch of ashes everywhere and some smoke damage
So that is that - we are both safe and sound and happy to be HOME!!!!!

How does one celebrate this kind of drama..........they shoot a new set is how
At least that is the plan in 2 weeks
I hope that all of you that were/are dealing with the fires are ok and are being taken care of
As for the rest of you - I hope you have been behaving too
Because I probably won't get a chance to update before then:

I must appologize for not being around much or getting back to all of you for that matter. As you may know, California was hit pretty hard with "FireStorm 2007" as the media is calling it. Some pretty scary stuff has been happening all over the state for the last week and it has been rather tough to not notice

First of all I just wanted to thank all of you who checked in to see if we were ok

So now for the story of the past week..............
I have to admit that I didn't even really know about the fires until last Monday when I happened to catch it on the news that day. I wasn't really worried too much because "It will never happen to me"

So that is that - we are both safe and sound and happy to be HOME!!!!!

I hope that all of you that were/are dealing with the fires are ok and are being taken care of

As for the rest of you - I hope you have been behaving too

Because I probably won't get a chance to update before then:

Hey, stay vigilant--I heard those nasty Santa Ana winds are coming back. And the next time I see you, you need to train me on that emergency packing, that sounds like a good skill to have around.

So I here you'll be at MsJune's next weekend. It should be fun..