Story of the day..............................
*sigh* I don't like feeling "blah"
Pete took me to the hospital on Wednesday to have some tests done and me (who knows better) believed the Doctor when he said that I would be feeling better in a day or so. It has been 6 days and I am just starting to feel better now. I'm not gonna lie and say that everything went fine - I know better than that. I also know that the next time I have to have somthing even remotely close the the proceedure I had done, I will be smart and take some form of anlgesic before hand (lesson learned the hard way)
Now comes the hard part of waiting the 2 weeks to find out the results
The news is either gonna be:
1. You are fine - nothing to worry about
2. You are not that fine - but we can fix you easily
3. You are not fine at all - infact you may be in for the shock of your life
I am the type of person who hates to wait for just about anything (trust me - I was a wreck before our wedding) so anyone telling me to wait 2 whole weeks to find out the destiny of my health can go.......well I would tell them to do somthing very unlady like
Other than that - I have nothing really new to report
I hope you are all happy and healthy

PS - OMG!!! The Gregorian Masters of Chant (I know...I'm a geek
) are gonna be in LA on Oct 30th!!! That is insane cause I LOVE these guys!!!! So if any of you are planning on attending let me know cause I would go if you needed an escort
*sigh* I don't like feeling "blah"

Pete took me to the hospital on Wednesday to have some tests done and me (who knows better) believed the Doctor when he said that I would be feeling better in a day or so. It has been 6 days and I am just starting to feel better now. I'm not gonna lie and say that everything went fine - I know better than that. I also know that the next time I have to have somthing even remotely close the the proceedure I had done, I will be smart and take some form of anlgesic before hand (lesson learned the hard way)

1. You are fine - nothing to worry about

2. You are not that fine - but we can fix you easily

3. You are not fine at all - infact you may be in for the shock of your life

I am the type of person who hates to wait for just about anything (trust me - I was a wreck before our wedding) so anyone telling me to wait 2 whole weeks to find out the destiny of my health can go.......well I would tell them to do somthing very unlady like

Other than that - I have nothing really new to report

I hope you are all happy and healthy

PS - OMG!!! The Gregorian Masters of Chant (I know...I'm a geek

hope its not bad news hun