Story of the day........................
Well - I survived the dinner party on Friday
The food I made was actually safe for eating
Now - whether or not it was good is another thing because I don't think anyone would have told me anyways
I know that Pete thought that it was just ok because he was telling me that I would get better with practise
Oh well - when a person goes without cooking a real meal for 4 years (thank god for microwaves!!) it takes a while to get back into things
In other news - my parents stayed with us the whole weekend and I felt soooooooo much better after seeing them!!!! Not so home sick anymore
We did Disneyland on Saturday and are doing the same this weekend before they have to go home on Sunday
You know me.....I can never say no to the Head Mouse

The doctors appointment was today...........all I can say is that this issue is ongoing and I won't go anymore into it at this time - especially since today is already a hard enough day to deal was my official due date for the baby Pete and I lost back in January
Here is a teaser of things to come.........
Well - I survived the dinner party on Friday

In other news - my parents stayed with us the whole weekend and I felt soooooooo much better after seeing them!!!! Not so home sick anymore

The doctors appointment was today...........all I can say is that this issue is ongoing and I won't go anymore into it at this time - especially since today is already a hard enough day to deal was my official due date for the baby Pete and I lost back in January

Here is a teaser of things to come.........
I wanna thank dandwlee for making MsJune and I this really cool spoiler!!!!!
I don't know when this set will go up but keep an eye out
Thats all for now people - I have to go pack because I am staying in Burbank with my parents for the night so that I'll be close to where Ellen is being taped. Once I know when the show we are taping airs I'll let you all know so you can laugh at me cause I'm taking my tap dancing shoes with me
Hope everyone is doing well and I'll talk to you all later
Have fun at Ellen