Story of the day...............
I know I have been sucking big time at the updating thing lately but I have good reasons for it
First off, Pete and I have been working like mad to get the house all set up, cleaned and in order before my parents get here tomorrow
They will be staying with us through the weekend so I want everything to be good to go. We are having dinner for all 6 of our parents (yes I said 6)
and this will be my first real full size dinner I have ever cooked (which is kinda sad at the age of 29).
With each passing day I get more and more excited to be going to see Ellen!!!! I simply love her for the fact that she is a very "Take me as I am" kind of person
As much as I am looking forward to that I have to also look forward to a visit to the base Doctor the day before the show taping because of a potential scare
Sadly cancer is a thing that runs in my family and 6 months ago somthing was detected that needs to be rechecked soon
This could be nothing at all - but there is also the chance that it could be somthing more. Until we know I am not going to stress too much. It is just the not knowing that is the hard part
Last but not least..........the beautiful MsJune and I did our first set together shot by the nicest (and very talented) dandwlee
I won't go into any details but this much can be said.......
It was the first set I have shot in over a year and I was amazed at how easy it was to get back into things
This won't be the last set though - thats for sure
Anyways - I should go.....lots still to do before the Parentals get here
Hope everyone has an awsome weekend!!!!


I know I have been sucking big time at the updating thing lately but I have good reasons for it

First off, Pete and I have been working like mad to get the house all set up, cleaned and in order before my parents get here tomorrow

With each passing day I get more and more excited to be going to see Ellen!!!! I simply love her for the fact that she is a very "Take me as I am" kind of person

As much as I am looking forward to that I have to also look forward to a visit to the base Doctor the day before the show taping because of a potential scare

Last but not least..........the beautiful MsJune and I did our first set together shot by the nicest (and very talented) dandwlee

It was the first set I have shot in over a year and I was amazed at how easy it was to get back into things

Anyways - I should go.....lots still to do before the Parentals get here

Hope everyone has an awsome weekend!!!!
