i think im going to start working at body graphics on 7th and arch in china town....so if you guys need some piercings or just want to stop in and say hi i think ill be there in a few weeks
congrats on the new shop...
you think I should go for the pirate theme? haha.. little vest boots.. some tattered skirt.. this is sounding better and better..
I think I'm going to Japan for 3 months to work at some shop with a friend of mine....after that we are supposed to go to Indonesia and then to Canada....I love traveling so I'm super excited...that's it for now...I'll be posting a new pic or two soon from our drunken 3:30am tattoo adventure.....lets just say 3 people got tattooed and the only tattoo artist... Read More
japan is a really nice country. in some ways better than the US [rail system, electronics, some of the food...]. but i hope youll be with someone who can speak japanese.
so, this is the start of my essay for school, i have to answer the three questions....let me know what you guys think of it.
1.What are your career goals?
I have an extensive artistic background, in the area of body modification. I have always held a great interest in the field of interactive media design. I would like to gain the experience and education... Read More
I would for sure.. I'm a bodypiercer and I couldn't even tell you how many people ask me that question daily. you were a piercer.. haha. you know what I'm talkin about..
ok so here is the thing.....first and most important, im a vegetarian, so i might as well be a vegan, and if im going to go that far then i might as well be straight edge too.......it makes sense in my head, i have more fun going out be for i get drunk anyway, and im getting tiered of having fuzzy memories of the night... Read More
I am not a vegetarian, but I do stay away from red meat. I also get your point of wanting to quit drinking and stuff like that. I have my two sets of friends, ones who dont like to drink and ones who do drink. I have equal fun with both of them. I balance my life like that.
oh and if you are still in medford I would go out to eat... because one thing I am is hungry.
Awesome! I'm in love with Indian food!!!! I go to this Indian grocery store and rack up on pre-made stuff as well as spices to make my own dishes. There are three awesome Indian restaurants here. What about there?
pics are up on sgnj of last night it was a good time....i meen anytime there is a big black cock in you ear its a good time......right......iggy you fucking rock, and everybody else i met rocks too
you think I should go for the pirate theme? haha.. little vest boots.. some tattered skirt..