Hey all!
Sorry I've been really bad at keeping this up lately but I'll try to do better. Sorry for not getting any responces in at the moment but I've seen all your comments and it's nice to see some new people reading :)
Life has been crazy lately. I've been working for Apple for the past three years now as part time and on a year to year contract where they only keep the top 150 people out of 1400. But I was able to make it in the program for the past three years and they are finally taking me on full time with out the crazy contract. Which is awesome but because of it I've been working my ass off trying to make sure they don't change their minds before it becomes set in stone middle of this month.
I'm also trying to get some cash together to move into mid town here in order to be closer to city life. I'm going crazy not being close to the places I love to visit lately and with lack or transpertation at the moment I've been going stir crazy. Hopefully with the raise I'll get going full time I'll be able to move and pick up some wheels.
On top of that it's getting into the final weeks of my last semester as a college student so I've been running around like a chicken with my head cut off studying and trying to get my papers in order so I haven't been around the interwebs as of late. Luckilly I have the afternoon off today so I can catch up on some stuff and relax.
I hope this finds you all well and I'm happy to see some new faces on my blog. I'll try and be around more often and reply to all your wonderful comments