There is an event in the middle of the desert lovingly titled Burning Man. I was never sure if it was really because of the big effigy they burned at the end of the week of the fact that the afternoon heat makes you feel like you are on fire.
The first year we went we were horribly unprepared for a camping trip of such magnitude so it involved a lot of shopping the first time around. And by a lot of shopping I mean multiple shopping carts full of hard alcohol.
However we also lacked many of the basic necessities. The main one being lightsabers.
That's right lightsabers
The reason for this being that we had heard that the day before last at Burning Man there was a massive light saber battle out by The Man. We weren't sure whether or not the lightsabers were provided and the information we had was by no means concrete so we decided not to take the risk so my friend Ryan and myself took a late night trip to Walmart.
While there we realized that there were a few other things that we needed that should be picked up so we didn't have to make a second trip. Upon getting up to the register the items going across the scanner were as follows:
Tent Stakes
Black Garbage Bags
The checkout girl was looking at us quite oddly as we were leaving and I couldn't understand why so I mentioned it to Ryan.
He looked a me with his big bearded grin and said, She probably thought we were going to a Star Wars themed bondage orgy.
I looked at Ryan confused and said, No, that can't be it
It was now Ryan's turn to look confused, Why is that?
Because if that was so then she would look jealous not confused and disgusted. Who WOULDN'T want to go to a Star Wars themed bondage orgy?! Then you would really know if Hon shoots first.
Ryan laughed, I bet he does. He finishes things pretty quick. I hear he did the Kessel Run in less than twelve parsecs
And this is why when I'm in a store and I see people buying an odd combination of things I always ask what they are up to that night, because you just never know when you may be invited to a Star War themed bondage orgy.
The first year we went we were horribly unprepared for a camping trip of such magnitude so it involved a lot of shopping the first time around. And by a lot of shopping I mean multiple shopping carts full of hard alcohol.
However we also lacked many of the basic necessities. The main one being lightsabers.
That's right lightsabers
The reason for this being that we had heard that the day before last at Burning Man there was a massive light saber battle out by The Man. We weren't sure whether or not the lightsabers were provided and the information we had was by no means concrete so we decided not to take the risk so my friend Ryan and myself took a late night trip to Walmart.
While there we realized that there were a few other things that we needed that should be picked up so we didn't have to make a second trip. Upon getting up to the register the items going across the scanner were as follows:
Tent Stakes
Black Garbage Bags
The checkout girl was looking at us quite oddly as we were leaving and I couldn't understand why so I mentioned it to Ryan.
He looked a me with his big bearded grin and said, She probably thought we were going to a Star Wars themed bondage orgy.
I looked at Ryan confused and said, No, that can't be it
It was now Ryan's turn to look confused, Why is that?
Because if that was so then she would look jealous not confused and disgusted. Who WOULDN'T want to go to a Star Wars themed bondage orgy?! Then you would really know if Hon shoots first.
Ryan laughed, I bet he does. He finishes things pretty quick. I hear he did the Kessel Run in less than twelve parsecs
And this is why when I'm in a store and I see people buying an odd combination of things I always ask what they are up to that night, because you just never know when you may be invited to a Star War themed bondage orgy.
Ah, so you know that Han Solo ALWAYS shoots first? The force is strong with you. Yoda man! We should catch up sometime over beer.