My plans for the day:
Sorry I haven't been updating lately but life has been crazy busy just with work and school. Luckily I had some vacation time saved up and ended up taking 3 days off work for my birthday. It was a small affair but a ton of fun.
First was Burgers and Brew for Lunch.
That is EJ and my roommate Marilyn. I have no idea what EJ said but the look on her face is priceless. Hayden was there with us but he was hiding from the camera. After that we went to go see the worst movie in the world, Ghost Rider. I never thought it could be worse than the first one but it was. Although once Hayden turned "The Rider" into a euphemism for penis the movie became much better. "The rider is coming out tonight and I can't stop it." We were laughing in a crowded theater with everyone staring at us. It was good times.
After that it was off to the bar to meet up with a couple more people. This was my birthday gift from Katherine
We named him Augustus. So he is now Augustusours Rex the Glittersaurous. Also Katherine Vlogs so if you want to see a video of how the night turned out you should check this video out. Jump to about the 2 minute mark and you'll see the birthday.
Also it is beer week here in Sac but sadly I have only been able to do one event this week. Me and Mark went to a place called Bulls because they had a deal where you pay $5 for the first beer and then it is dollar refills all night and you get to keep the glass
Those are our Pabst pint glasses we ended up with. However in going to Bulls we ended up with a surprise. Turns out that it was also bikini bull riding night. Which actually turned out to be really ridiculous and a lot of fun.
Also this just came in the mail
That's my H.P. Lovecraft Historical Society membership renewal. It was actually free for me this year which is awesome! I got the notice that I didn't have to pay this year the day before my birthday, it was an awesome gift.
This is my excuse for never getting my homework done:
That is Anti-Homework kitty. We actually have to leave textbooks we are not using on the table so she won't sit on the ones we are using. You'll get up to get coffee and then come back and she'll be sitting on whatever you were working on.
And I'll leave you with two things.
One: I totally can not wait for this to start again. I just have to finish the second book before it comes out
And Second: I've had this song stuck in my head all day. It's off Saul Williams new album. I want his jacket
I hope everyone is doing well

Sorry I haven't been updating lately but life has been crazy busy just with work and school. Luckily I had some vacation time saved up and ended up taking 3 days off work for my birthday. It was a small affair but a ton of fun.
First was Burgers and Brew for Lunch.

That is EJ and my roommate Marilyn. I have no idea what EJ said but the look on her face is priceless. Hayden was there with us but he was hiding from the camera. After that we went to go see the worst movie in the world, Ghost Rider. I never thought it could be worse than the first one but it was. Although once Hayden turned "The Rider" into a euphemism for penis the movie became much better. "The rider is coming out tonight and I can't stop it." We were laughing in a crowded theater with everyone staring at us. It was good times.
After that it was off to the bar to meet up with a couple more people. This was my birthday gift from Katherine

We named him Augustus. So he is now Augustusours Rex the Glittersaurous. Also Katherine Vlogs so if you want to see a video of how the night turned out you should check this video out. Jump to about the 2 minute mark and you'll see the birthday.
Also it is beer week here in Sac but sadly I have only been able to do one event this week. Me and Mark went to a place called Bulls because they had a deal where you pay $5 for the first beer and then it is dollar refills all night and you get to keep the glass

Those are our Pabst pint glasses we ended up with. However in going to Bulls we ended up with a surprise. Turns out that it was also bikini bull riding night. Which actually turned out to be really ridiculous and a lot of fun.
Also this just came in the mail

That's my H.P. Lovecraft Historical Society membership renewal. It was actually free for me this year which is awesome! I got the notice that I didn't have to pay this year the day before my birthday, it was an awesome gift.
This is my excuse for never getting my homework done:

That is Anti-Homework kitty. We actually have to leave textbooks we are not using on the table so she won't sit on the ones we are using. You'll get up to get coffee and then come back and she'll be sitting on whatever you were working on.
And I'll leave you with two things.
One: I totally can not wait for this to start again. I just have to finish the second book before it comes out
And Second: I've had this song stuck in my head all day. It's off Saul Williams new album. I want his jacket
I hope everyone is doing well
You should because its amazing =)
great plans!