Hey all! Fair warning this will probably a bit of a photo dump and a bit long. Feel free to skim
I hope everyone had a great Christmas and New Years Eve. Work has been nuts. For the past two weeks we all had a mandatory 47 hours a week and more if we could swing it. Trust me 8am-8:30pm shifts are not cool or fun. Luckily we were given New Years Eve off with pay and New Years Day off.
Christmas Eve:
This was Christmas Eve
Andrew and Pabst at Benny's Bar. It was actually a really nice Christmas Eve. I got off work, went to the bar, got drunk, and hung out with Andrew. Nothing uber special but really fun. He's really one of my favorite people to hang out with.
It was good but odd. It was the first Christmas I ever spent alone really. I worked most of the day but my mom came down that night to bring me Christmas dinner and these:
They are my favorite thing about Christmas. My mother calls them snow balls but they're really Russian Tea cookies. She makes them every Christmas and I almost ate the whole tin. My roommate even made me hide them from her so she wouldn't eat the whole thing. And then Lex brought me this:
Penguins and Beer. Two of my favorite things. My friends know me so well. So in summery I worked and then my mom came down for an hour. I spent the rest of the night drinking tea and watching the Doctor Who Christmas special. All in all it was a really nice night.
New Years Eve/Day:
New Years Eve was great. It was my first day off in forever and I got to spend it with people I hadn't seen in forever, or what feels like forever. Most of my close friends live in Fairfield so I don't really get to see them. It was nice to walk into a room of people who are genuinely excited to see you. Hugs were given and beer was drank. I brought Andrew with me and he had fun meeting new people and putting the names of people in my stories to faces.
EJ: I see EJ more than anyone else really because he like to come up to Sac to drink and watch movies. I love this picture of him though. The man loves his whiskey. He's an awesome laid back metal kid political science major who is really just a big teddy bear. He's a bit of a perv sometimes but I've never known a girl who has not felt completely safe around him. He's the guy girls go to at a party if someone is bothering them. He's a big guy and he has no qualms what so ever about laying some drunk disrespectful asshole out without warning.
Drea: Drea is one of my exs and one of my closest friends. She still calls me up in the middle of the night to talk about life or calls drunk to talk about her boy trouble. She's good people and I happy she stuck around. She was so innocent when we first met but she was always a sarcastic bitch. Which is part of why I love the girl. When we met she had pink hair and was shy except around her friends. I took her out to her first goth club and we hooked up that night. Now she's a hard drinking sarcastic bitch man eater with a bunch of piercings and tattoos that runs around naked at Burning Man and is still an awesome girl
Ryan: We call him Beowulf. The man branded himself self in the chest with an infinity symbol to prove a point and will turn logs in the fire with his bare hands and not flinch. The man is a beast. It's funny though I think the only time I've ever heard the man say ow is when he does something small like stub his toe. He belongs in a coliseum somewhere. That being said he's one of the nicest guys I know. Him around our friends kids is fucking adorable. I wish I still had the picture of Julian (Funky and Amber's 4 year old) chasing him around the backyard with a light saber.
Funky and Amber: I've known Funky forever. He used to live in this dilapidated Victorian downtown that had two bedrooms and 10 people living in it. Someone slept in the closet and someone in the bathtub. All the goth and metal kids hung out there and they had a coffin on the porch that wasn't even stable to stand on. Amber his "wife" is perfect for him. The guy goes off on tangents, forgets what he's doing, and is always working on some crazy new project and Amber grounds him. They have 2 beautiful kids and they are the people that everyone in the group measures their relationships up to. They've been together for years and still act like the day they first met.
And lastly
Brian : Fats or Fatty. He's my drinking buddy. Has been since he was 15. I of course didn't know he was 15 at the time he was just at all the parties with a backpack full of beer and we hit off. Me and Fats are close enough that when he needed a place to stay I rented him and Ryan out my house in Vallejo about $1200. The place was in a nice neighborhood, has a pool and hot tub, gave them all the old furniture, and they had one of my old friends Jason move in later. They never paid rent on time, they would sometimes go 3 to 4 months without it but they always paid and I would have probably let them stay rent free if I didn't need the money for school. He's like a little gypsy though and travels all over the place but always calls me to say hi.
That turned out to be way more than I thought it would be. I was just going to put their names but the pics with a sentence saying who they were. I got a little carried away there but these guys are probably my closest friends and I would easily trust them with my life and do anything for them and I know it's the same way around. They're the people you call when you're stranded, in jail, need someone fucked up, or just need some plain old support. And believe me each one of us has gotten at least one of those calls.
Other than all that it has just been, work, reading, and SWTOR. SWTOR is the first MMO I've ever really been hooked on.
That's all for now really. I hope this finds everyone well and I hope you all had a great Christmas and that your New Year is off to a smashing start.

I hope everyone had a great Christmas and New Years Eve. Work has been nuts. For the past two weeks we all had a mandatory 47 hours a week and more if we could swing it. Trust me 8am-8:30pm shifts are not cool or fun. Luckily we were given New Years Eve off with pay and New Years Day off.
Christmas Eve:
This was Christmas Eve

Andrew and Pabst at Benny's Bar. It was actually a really nice Christmas Eve. I got off work, went to the bar, got drunk, and hung out with Andrew. Nothing uber special but really fun. He's really one of my favorite people to hang out with.
It was good but odd. It was the first Christmas I ever spent alone really. I worked most of the day but my mom came down that night to bring me Christmas dinner and these:

They are my favorite thing about Christmas. My mother calls them snow balls but they're really Russian Tea cookies. She makes them every Christmas and I almost ate the whole tin. My roommate even made me hide them from her so she wouldn't eat the whole thing. And then Lex brought me this:

Penguins and Beer. Two of my favorite things. My friends know me so well. So in summery I worked and then my mom came down for an hour. I spent the rest of the night drinking tea and watching the Doctor Who Christmas special. All in all it was a really nice night.
New Years Eve/Day:
New Years Eve was great. It was my first day off in forever and I got to spend it with people I hadn't seen in forever, or what feels like forever. Most of my close friends live in Fairfield so I don't really get to see them. It was nice to walk into a room of people who are genuinely excited to see you. Hugs were given and beer was drank. I brought Andrew with me and he had fun meeting new people and putting the names of people in my stories to faces.
EJ: I see EJ more than anyone else really because he like to come up to Sac to drink and watch movies. I love this picture of him though. The man loves his whiskey. He's an awesome laid back metal kid political science major who is really just a big teddy bear. He's a bit of a perv sometimes but I've never known a girl who has not felt completely safe around him. He's the guy girls go to at a party if someone is bothering them. He's a big guy and he has no qualms what so ever about laying some drunk disrespectful asshole out without warning.

Drea: Drea is one of my exs and one of my closest friends. She still calls me up in the middle of the night to talk about life or calls drunk to talk about her boy trouble. She's good people and I happy she stuck around. She was so innocent when we first met but she was always a sarcastic bitch. Which is part of why I love the girl. When we met she had pink hair and was shy except around her friends. I took her out to her first goth club and we hooked up that night. Now she's a hard drinking sarcastic bitch man eater with a bunch of piercings and tattoos that runs around naked at Burning Man and is still an awesome girl

Ryan: We call him Beowulf. The man branded himself self in the chest with an infinity symbol to prove a point and will turn logs in the fire with his bare hands and not flinch. The man is a beast. It's funny though I think the only time I've ever heard the man say ow is when he does something small like stub his toe. He belongs in a coliseum somewhere. That being said he's one of the nicest guys I know. Him around our friends kids is fucking adorable. I wish I still had the picture of Julian (Funky and Amber's 4 year old) chasing him around the backyard with a light saber.

Funky and Amber: I've known Funky forever. He used to live in this dilapidated Victorian downtown that had two bedrooms and 10 people living in it. Someone slept in the closet and someone in the bathtub. All the goth and metal kids hung out there and they had a coffin on the porch that wasn't even stable to stand on. Amber his "wife" is perfect for him. The guy goes off on tangents, forgets what he's doing, and is always working on some crazy new project and Amber grounds him. They have 2 beautiful kids and they are the people that everyone in the group measures their relationships up to. They've been together for years and still act like the day they first met.

And lastly
Brian : Fats or Fatty. He's my drinking buddy. Has been since he was 15. I of course didn't know he was 15 at the time he was just at all the parties with a backpack full of beer and we hit off. Me and Fats are close enough that when he needed a place to stay I rented him and Ryan out my house in Vallejo about $1200. The place was in a nice neighborhood, has a pool and hot tub, gave them all the old furniture, and they had one of my old friends Jason move in later. They never paid rent on time, they would sometimes go 3 to 4 months without it but they always paid and I would have probably let them stay rent free if I didn't need the money for school. He's like a little gypsy though and travels all over the place but always calls me to say hi.

That turned out to be way more than I thought it would be. I was just going to put their names but the pics with a sentence saying who they were. I got a little carried away there but these guys are probably my closest friends and I would easily trust them with my life and do anything for them and I know it's the same way around. They're the people you call when you're stranded, in jail, need someone fucked up, or just need some plain old support. And believe me each one of us has gotten at least one of those calls.
Other than all that it has just been, work, reading, and SWTOR. SWTOR is the first MMO I've ever really been hooked on.
That's all for now really. I hope this finds everyone well and I hope you all had a great Christmas and that your New Year is off to a smashing start.
And yeah, it WAS a fun job... I had problems with a guy so.. It's over now
I'm glad you had a great end of the year, I really hope your first days are going as well as the old ones ended
Lots of hugs x