Hello all!

Winter has come and it is COLD. Well cold for California anyway
Me after stealing my roommates earmuffs, starting a new book to celebrate the end of the semester, and wearing my favorite pompous shirt

It's also nice that finals are over. Every year they make me want to bang my head against a wall and yet every year I do it again. Finals just reminds me of how small I can actually write on a 3x5 card

End of finals also means I can now clean the area around my computer desk. Can you tell this is where I spend most of my time studying?

I'm not going to lie I miss school when it's not in session, I'm just that much of a nerd. I'm wait listed on all my classes next semester though. Sac State forgot to change my graduation date so I got locked out of the system. It didn't get fixed till last week so I only got to register for my classes a couple days ago. So hopefully I'll be able to get into all of them. If I do I'll be taking detective fiction, the films of Alfred Hitchcock, history of pop culture, and a class on Chaucer's Canterbury Tales. The semester will be amazing if luck is on my side. Luckily as a senior I get priority when it comes to adding classes.
My friend Greg graduated this semester so we all got together to drink and celebrate. I was the only straight boy at the party lol. Had a blast though, I'm used to being the only straight boy around when I party with Greg. I'm usually his wing man or his excuse to leave a blind date. He'll call me up and buy me beer when he has a first date so that he has a reason to leave if he needs to and if not I get free beer all night. The grad party was a lot of fun, lots to drink and great stories.
Mark and I had the last beer Wednesday of the semester. We're going to try and keep it up through winter break but we live about 20 minutes away from each other so it's a bit tough. We celebrated the end of the semester with beer and corn dogs from Old Tavern

If you live in the Sacramento area and have not had an Old Tavern corn dog you're missing out on life. Their corn dogs are better than any corn dog I've ever had including the ones sold at festivals/fairs.
This is my new food love. Urban Fries from Jack's Urban Eats here in Sac. It's blue cheese, chili sauce, and cilantro

My roommate gives me crap because I take pictures of my food. I didn't realize how often I did it till she started teasing me for it. I tell her sometimes the food is just so damn good you don't ever want to forget it. That and I usually post it on foursquare when I check in
I'm starting to think I have a social media problem lol
I got my first Christmas present yesterday

A friend of mine was picking up Christmas gifts at BevMo (says a lot about my friends that we shop for each other at pricey liquor stores) and saw it. For those of you who don't know I have a bit of a penguin problem. I LOVES them. And who couldn't? They're cute and dressed for every occasion. So suffice to say I squeed when I saw it. It's a barley-wine and I'm going to wait till she comes back down to crack it open.
My gift to myself this Christmas was the Star Wars The Old Republic MMO. This of course means that I'll be staying inside this break killing Jedi. I think I deserve some mindless gaming after this semester though.
Also I ran into an old friend that I hadn't seen in ages. She is an English Major who used to be in almost all my classes and I had a huge thing for her. I turned out a buddy of mine had a thing for her as well so being a friend I didn't make a move and she eventually started seeing him which ended really fast and I never really saw her after that for some reason. However a few days ago I ran into her, we exchanged numbers, and she came out for the last beer Wednesday. Turns out we like a lot of the same books (we're both huge Dune fans and she got all excited about my Dune tattoo) and we seemed to really hit it off. She lives kinda far away though so it's kinda hard to get her to come out. We shall see how that goes though.
I believe that is all for now. I hope this finds everyone well

Winter has come and it is COLD. Well cold for California anyway
Me after stealing my roommates earmuffs, starting a new book to celebrate the end of the semester, and wearing my favorite pompous shirt

It's also nice that finals are over. Every year they make me want to bang my head against a wall and yet every year I do it again. Finals just reminds me of how small I can actually write on a 3x5 card

End of finals also means I can now clean the area around my computer desk. Can you tell this is where I spend most of my time studying?

I'm not going to lie I miss school when it's not in session, I'm just that much of a nerd. I'm wait listed on all my classes next semester though. Sac State forgot to change my graduation date so I got locked out of the system. It didn't get fixed till last week so I only got to register for my classes a couple days ago. So hopefully I'll be able to get into all of them. If I do I'll be taking detective fiction, the films of Alfred Hitchcock, history of pop culture, and a class on Chaucer's Canterbury Tales. The semester will be amazing if luck is on my side. Luckily as a senior I get priority when it comes to adding classes.
My friend Greg graduated this semester so we all got together to drink and celebrate. I was the only straight boy at the party lol. Had a blast though, I'm used to being the only straight boy around when I party with Greg. I'm usually his wing man or his excuse to leave a blind date. He'll call me up and buy me beer when he has a first date so that he has a reason to leave if he needs to and if not I get free beer all night. The grad party was a lot of fun, lots to drink and great stories.
Mark and I had the last beer Wednesday of the semester. We're going to try and keep it up through winter break but we live about 20 minutes away from each other so it's a bit tough. We celebrated the end of the semester with beer and corn dogs from Old Tavern

If you live in the Sacramento area and have not had an Old Tavern corn dog you're missing out on life. Their corn dogs are better than any corn dog I've ever had including the ones sold at festivals/fairs.
This is my new food love. Urban Fries from Jack's Urban Eats here in Sac. It's blue cheese, chili sauce, and cilantro

My roommate gives me crap because I take pictures of my food. I didn't realize how often I did it till she started teasing me for it. I tell her sometimes the food is just so damn good you don't ever want to forget it. That and I usually post it on foursquare when I check in

I got my first Christmas present yesterday

A friend of mine was picking up Christmas gifts at BevMo (says a lot about my friends that we shop for each other at pricey liquor stores) and saw it. For those of you who don't know I have a bit of a penguin problem. I LOVES them. And who couldn't? They're cute and dressed for every occasion. So suffice to say I squeed when I saw it. It's a barley-wine and I'm going to wait till she comes back down to crack it open.
My gift to myself this Christmas was the Star Wars The Old Republic MMO. This of course means that I'll be staying inside this break killing Jedi. I think I deserve some mindless gaming after this semester though.
Also I ran into an old friend that I hadn't seen in ages. She is an English Major who used to be in almost all my classes and I had a huge thing for her. I turned out a buddy of mine had a thing for her as well so being a friend I didn't make a move and she eventually started seeing him which ended really fast and I never really saw her after that for some reason. However a few days ago I ran into her, we exchanged numbers, and she came out for the last beer Wednesday. Turns out we like a lot of the same books (we're both huge Dune fans and she got all excited about my Dune tattoo) and we seemed to really hit it off. She lives kinda far away though so it's kinda hard to get her to come out. We shall see how that goes though.
I believe that is all for now. I hope this finds everyone well

haha sorry! i hope its not to bad =D i love your ear muffs =) they are adorable =)
Good choice!