Dear iOS 5 users. Please follow all the directions and click the next button before calling me. Thank you.
Now that all that is out of the way I would like to ask you all to go vote on a set in review. As anybody who reads my blog (for some crazy reason) knows that I never do this. So you should know that I personally find this awesome.
Go and show some love for:
Rlei- West Of Arkham

As many of you know I'm a H.P. Lovecraft nut. And in case you don't know what's west of Arkham this is it:
"West of Arkham the hills rise wild, and there are valleys with deep woods that no axe has
ever cut. There are dark narrow glens where the trees slope fantastically, and where thin
brooklets trickle without ever having caught the glint of sunlight. On the gentle slopes
there are farms, ancient and rocky, with squat, moss-coated cottages brooding eternally
over old New England secrets in the lee of great ledges; but these are all vacant now, the
wide chimneys crumbling and the shingled sides bulging perilously beneath low gambrel
roofs." -The Color Out Of Space
So even if you don't love H.P.L. do it for me and put a representation of my favorite author on the front page. A card carrying member of The H.P. Lovecraft Historical Society asks it of you. In case you don't believe me here is my card.

So now that the iOS 5 whining and Lit nerdom is done lets get to the blog
Oh wait one more thing. Since iOS 5 and iCloud is out I don't have any days off for the next 2 weeks. Granted I'll be rolling in fuck you money but I'll be sitting at my computer trying to study for midterms between phone calls. Ok now I'm done
Other than that it's all school, work and books. Not having and literature classes this semester is killing me. I'm just reading to keep my mind going. Just picked up another Lovecraft anthology, finished Cthulhurotica, in the middle of Chaperhouse Dune, Clash of Kings, just started Dharma Bums, and picked up Naked Lunch again. That may seem like a lot but trust me it's nothing and I know that I'm missing a few. I need a book club.
Also me Ma is alone in the house for the first time in 28 years. I'm a little worried about her. I usually call her once every few weeks but I've been trying to keep up with her more. It must be crazy for her to live in a quite house with no one there. So send some good thoughts her way I'm sure she could use them.
Me and the roommate had a massive blowout screaming match. I was having a massive depression attack and wanted to be left alone. However my half of the house chores weren't done which led to her banging on my door every 4 minutes yelling at me no matter how many times I tried to explain what was up. To her defense though she missed the whole period of my life where I wasn't on meds so she really hasn't had to deal with it and trust me trying to explain why I'm having a fit (not the right word but it's the first to come to mind) is kind of a bitch. This led to an exchange of words that after knowing someone for 9 years and dating them for 3 of those you really know exactly what to say to get them to shut up. 3 days later everything was good though. After a yelling match that I'm sure the neighbors could hear perfectly things were back to normal.
I realized writing this that I never really talk about my close friends even though I have known most of them for 4 years plus. So instead of going into details of our long years together I figured 2 songs would be quicker and more entertaining. All in all we drink, we party, we go to school, and I have never know a group of fucktards more dedicated to each other. There are many stories but now is not the time.
Perfect description because I'm sure at least one of them has made the deal. Our luck is to good not to have because at least 3 of us should be dead by now. We've had someone fall of a 3 story cliff, a near plane crash, a person cave in their skull so they were a millimeter from death, and believe me there are a lot more stories like that.
"I have every expectation
That my final prayers will go unheard
And my veiled death bed confession
Will not move the Mighty Lord
I'm sure that I'll be sorry
When he slams St. Peter's Gate
But I'll dive right into damnation
With a smile across my face"
And it's not a long night of drinking till McGuinn starts singing this with at least 8 other people joining in:
My life right now is all books, booze and school. I hope this finds everyone well. Till next time.
Now that all that is out of the way I would like to ask you all to go vote on a set in review. As anybody who reads my blog (for some crazy reason) knows that I never do this. So you should know that I personally find this awesome.
Go and show some love for:
Rlei- West Of Arkham

As many of you know I'm a H.P. Lovecraft nut. And in case you don't know what's west of Arkham this is it:
"West of Arkham the hills rise wild, and there are valleys with deep woods that no axe has
ever cut. There are dark narrow glens where the trees slope fantastically, and where thin
brooklets trickle without ever having caught the glint of sunlight. On the gentle slopes
there are farms, ancient and rocky, with squat, moss-coated cottages brooding eternally
over old New England secrets in the lee of great ledges; but these are all vacant now, the
wide chimneys crumbling and the shingled sides bulging perilously beneath low gambrel
roofs." -The Color Out Of Space
So even if you don't love H.P.L. do it for me and put a representation of my favorite author on the front page. A card carrying member of The H.P. Lovecraft Historical Society asks it of you. In case you don't believe me here is my card.

So now that the iOS 5 whining and Lit nerdom is done lets get to the blog
Oh wait one more thing. Since iOS 5 and iCloud is out I don't have any days off for the next 2 weeks. Granted I'll be rolling in fuck you money but I'll be sitting at my computer trying to study for midterms between phone calls. Ok now I'm done
Other than that it's all school, work and books. Not having and literature classes this semester is killing me. I'm just reading to keep my mind going. Just picked up another Lovecraft anthology, finished Cthulhurotica, in the middle of Chaperhouse Dune, Clash of Kings, just started Dharma Bums, and picked up Naked Lunch again. That may seem like a lot but trust me it's nothing and I know that I'm missing a few. I need a book club.

Also me Ma is alone in the house for the first time in 28 years. I'm a little worried about her. I usually call her once every few weeks but I've been trying to keep up with her more. It must be crazy for her to live in a quite house with no one there. So send some good thoughts her way I'm sure she could use them.
Me and the roommate had a massive blowout screaming match. I was having a massive depression attack and wanted to be left alone. However my half of the house chores weren't done which led to her banging on my door every 4 minutes yelling at me no matter how many times I tried to explain what was up. To her defense though she missed the whole period of my life where I wasn't on meds so she really hasn't had to deal with it and trust me trying to explain why I'm having a fit (not the right word but it's the first to come to mind) is kind of a bitch. This led to an exchange of words that after knowing someone for 9 years and dating them for 3 of those you really know exactly what to say to get them to shut up. 3 days later everything was good though. After a yelling match that I'm sure the neighbors could hear perfectly things were back to normal.
I realized writing this that I never really talk about my close friends even though I have known most of them for 4 years plus. So instead of going into details of our long years together I figured 2 songs would be quicker and more entertaining. All in all we drink, we party, we go to school, and I have never know a group of fucktards more dedicated to each other. There are many stories but now is not the time.
Perfect description because I'm sure at least one of them has made the deal. Our luck is to good not to have because at least 3 of us should be dead by now. We've had someone fall of a 3 story cliff, a near plane crash, a person cave in their skull so they were a millimeter from death, and believe me there are a lot more stories like that.
"I have every expectation
That my final prayers will go unheard
And my veiled death bed confession
Will not move the Mighty Lord
I'm sure that I'll be sorry
When he slams St. Peter's Gate
But I'll dive right into damnation
With a smile across my face"
And it's not a long night of drinking till McGuinn starts singing this with at least 8 other people joining in:
My life right now is all books, booze and school. I hope this finds everyone well. Till next time.
I will probably take you up on that offer soon. Thanks, buddy. 

Yes I am!!! Any plans for Halloween??