Sorry it has been so long since I last updated. School has taken over my world and has left little time for anything else 
On the upside however I now have a car again which is fantastic. The bus was slowly killing my soul.

It may not look like much (because it isn't) but it gets me around Sac which is what counts.
I also got these

If you ever need a reason to love Canada this is it. They're whiskey stones. They are non porous soap stone which absorbs cold fantastically. So what they do is keep your whiskey cold without watering it down. Brilliant! I love those things and I love thinkgeek for selling them.
Speaking of geeky things. Some of you out there know that I'm kind of an H.P. Lovecraft nut (which is probably putting it mildly) and I found a book that I just could NOT pass up in all its ridiculous glory. It's called Cthulhurotica. And as you can tell by the tittle it is a collection of erotica set in the world of H.P. Lovecraft. I have to admit that I'm about half way through and although it is pretty damn off the wall I can't say that I'm not enjoying every page of it.
Also I went to go see Neil Stephenson read from his new novel REAMDE and got a copy signed. The nerd in me was quite excited and the guy was just as funny in person as he is in his writings.
Other than that I sit at home, read, do homework, and watch netflix. Although I'll be going to Reno next week with an Ex of mine to chill. I don't get to see Drea that often and car trips with her were always fun.
Sorry I don't have more to say or anything exciting going on but I hope this finds you all well

On the upside however I now have a car again which is fantastic. The bus was slowly killing my soul.

It may not look like much (because it isn't) but it gets me around Sac which is what counts.
I also got these

If you ever need a reason to love Canada this is it. They're whiskey stones. They are non porous soap stone which absorbs cold fantastically. So what they do is keep your whiskey cold without watering it down. Brilliant! I love those things and I love thinkgeek for selling them.
Speaking of geeky things. Some of you out there know that I'm kind of an H.P. Lovecraft nut (which is probably putting it mildly) and I found a book that I just could NOT pass up in all its ridiculous glory. It's called Cthulhurotica. And as you can tell by the tittle it is a collection of erotica set in the world of H.P. Lovecraft. I have to admit that I'm about half way through and although it is pretty damn off the wall I can't say that I'm not enjoying every page of it.
Also I went to go see Neil Stephenson read from his new novel REAMDE and got a copy signed. The nerd in me was quite excited and the guy was just as funny in person as he is in his writings.
Other than that I sit at home, read, do homework, and watch netflix. Although I'll be going to Reno next week with an Ex of mine to chill. I don't get to see Drea that often and car trips with her were always fun.
Sorry I don't have more to say or anything exciting going on but I hope this finds you all well
I gotta try those stones! It'll work wonders for other drinks too!