'Ello all
I am happy to say that my petition went through and I will be getting my financial aid this semester. Yay for being able to pay rent AND eat!
Last weekend I went to a party that a friend of mine was putting on and it offiacaly made me feel old. It was a white wine tasting party. The fact that my friends are throwing wine tasting parties and not house parties makes me feel like I'm becoming to much of an adult. It was fun though. Everyone had to dress up and be in all white. I however own nothing white. I'm serious, I literally own nothing white except for one pair of socks. So I ended up finding an outfit at a thrift store. Turned out to be all girls clothes but I think I pulled it off alright.

I have also put living in a top floor apartment in the summer to good use. The best part of the sun beating into my room making it an oven from 12 to 8 is that I can make sun tea. I love sun tea and I don't know why but it tastes completely different from hot water tea. The flavor is always better. Here's the sun tea:

It is actually a chocolate mint black ice tea. Sounds odd but it is actually a damn tasty loose leaf tea.
Speaking of tasty things these are delcious. It may look disgusting but trust me they are amazing and the best drunk food in exsistance.

They are carne asada fries. It is basically a carne asada burrito on top of french fries. It looks nasty all mixed up like that but trust me they taste great.
Also I have learned to make the perfect old fassioned. I am quite proud of it. I use everything minus the fruit salad. The rinds are there just not the fruit attached to it

mmmmmm whiskey. Best booze ever.
And lastly my new bookshelf that now has a liquer cabnit in it.

Because literature just wouldn't be the same if booze wasn't involved. Trust me the hard drinking chain smoking english major is not a sterotype it's just the blatent truth. I've never known a literature major that didn't drink.
Hope this finds everyone well. I'm off to study my ass off.
I'll leave you with a song that has been stuck in my head all day
I am happy to say that my petition went through and I will be getting my financial aid this semester. Yay for being able to pay rent AND eat!
Last weekend I went to a party that a friend of mine was putting on and it offiacaly made me feel old. It was a white wine tasting party. The fact that my friends are throwing wine tasting parties and not house parties makes me feel like I'm becoming to much of an adult. It was fun though. Everyone had to dress up and be in all white. I however own nothing white. I'm serious, I literally own nothing white except for one pair of socks. So I ended up finding an outfit at a thrift store. Turned out to be all girls clothes but I think I pulled it off alright.

I have also put living in a top floor apartment in the summer to good use. The best part of the sun beating into my room making it an oven from 12 to 8 is that I can make sun tea. I love sun tea and I don't know why but it tastes completely different from hot water tea. The flavor is always better. Here's the sun tea:

It is actually a chocolate mint black ice tea. Sounds odd but it is actually a damn tasty loose leaf tea.
Speaking of tasty things these are delcious. It may look disgusting but trust me they are amazing and the best drunk food in exsistance.

They are carne asada fries. It is basically a carne asada burrito on top of french fries. It looks nasty all mixed up like that but trust me they taste great.
Also I have learned to make the perfect old fassioned. I am quite proud of it. I use everything minus the fruit salad. The rinds are there just not the fruit attached to it

mmmmmm whiskey. Best booze ever.
And lastly my new bookshelf that now has a liquer cabnit in it.

Because literature just wouldn't be the same if booze wasn't involved. Trust me the hard drinking chain smoking english major is not a sterotype it's just the blatent truth. I've never known a literature major that didn't drink.
Hope this finds everyone well. I'm off to study my ass off.
I'll leave you with a song that has been stuck in my head all day

Thanks <3