Hello all. I know I haven't updated in awhile I've just been busy.
It's so weird to be working 40hrs a week again. It really makes me appreciate my weekends for sure though after sitting in front of a computer for 8hrs a day. It's worth it however to have full benefits again and a job that will work around my class schedule.
I've been getting a lot of reading done this summer which is nice. I'm reading all the books that I was supposed to read during the semester for my English classes lol. I've also been able to jump back into the video games that I've been neglecting through the past semester. The only problem is trying to remember what I was doing in the RPGs that I was playing. Also if anyone has steam they are starting to put out some free to play games. I just downloaded Spiral Knights so if anyone has a Steam account you should download it and do some co-op with me.
My ten year reunion is this weekend. It makes me feel a bit old
However it will have an open bar and a free dinner so me and my friend Kristi are going to go take advantage of that and get trashed at my old high school. I'll be sure to post pictures if anything interesting happens.
I don't think anything else that exciting is happening at the moment. I'm hoping to hit up the H.P. Lovecraft film festival this year in L.A. if I can get the time off work. I also owe elicit77 and Frontline99 a couple pitchers so that will be a good excuse to go out, have some fun, and get out of this hot fucking apartment. Maybe we can drag Asphalt out and see if she remembers the end of the night this time
Hope everyone is enjoying their summer
It's so weird to be working 40hrs a week again. It really makes me appreciate my weekends for sure though after sitting in front of a computer for 8hrs a day. It's worth it however to have full benefits again and a job that will work around my class schedule.
I've been getting a lot of reading done this summer which is nice. I'm reading all the books that I was supposed to read during the semester for my English classes lol. I've also been able to jump back into the video games that I've been neglecting through the past semester. The only problem is trying to remember what I was doing in the RPGs that I was playing. Also if anyone has steam they are starting to put out some free to play games. I just downloaded Spiral Knights so if anyone has a Steam account you should download it and do some co-op with me.
My ten year reunion is this weekend. It makes me feel a bit old

I don't think anything else that exciting is happening at the moment. I'm hoping to hit up the H.P. Lovecraft film festival this year in L.A. if I can get the time off work. I also owe elicit77 and Frontline99 a couple pitchers so that will be a good excuse to go out, have some fun, and get out of this hot fucking apartment. Maybe we can drag Asphalt out and see if she remembers the end of the night this time

Hope everyone is enjoying their summer
I'm sure that you'll be able to find some time to fit a some fun into your summer - and this Lovecraft film festival you're talking about sounds kinda interesting...