Watched Scott Pilgrim vs. The World again last night for the billionth time. I love that movie and comic. I love this song too. I just like that although famous artists (Beck, Metric and Social Distortion) wrote the songs for the movie the actors are actually the ones playing them and singing them in the movie. I'm in lesbians with it.
So here is Brie Larson singing Metric's song Black Sheep
There was a drive by in the apartment complex next to ours last night. Not fun. The street was closed off and lined with cops. I have no idea if they caught the guy. It's pretty sad.
On a lighter note.
Yay summer vacation is finally here! It feels so good to have school out with no projects looming over my head. It won't last long though seeing as how I start work on Wednesday. I have to fully set up the Mac tomorrow and then start my online training the day after. Apperently there are these little tests I have to pass each day of training in order to keep my job so wish me luck. Hopefully they aren't that hard.
Also I went to go see Combichrist play with Rammstein! It was the most visualy stunning show I have ever seen. It was amazing. Any band that has metal angel wings that strap to the lead singer's back, open up and shoot fire is full of awesome. So here is a quick concert photo dump. Sadly any pictures of the stage don't do the show justice and camera phones suck at taking concert photos
First was lunch at Murder Burger. Sadly I've lived in the area this long and never been there.

My buddy EJ destroying a massive western burger that looks so small in his massive hands.

Pics of before the show.
This is how close to the stage we were

This is the birthday girl. She'd never been to a concert before and picked this one as her first. She had a fucking blast. The only problem was that she is shorter than me so she had trouble seeing. I was joking that next time we should bring her a step stool.

Then this is me, EJ and her boyfriend Dylan both who I've known for a really long time.

The show. The pictures really don't do it justice. I wish I had a picture of the massive balls of fire shooting up from the stage or the explosions. I really wish I had a video of when they set the roadie on fire with the flame thrower that they were firing out over the audience.

After the show we went to Rudy's and I got pure deliciousness


That's about it. Other than that I've just been being lazy enjoying my few days of summer freedom before I start working full time. I'll be going out soon hopefully. There is usually an end of the semester party a friend of mine throws for the english majors and he also owes me and Lex the first two rounds at Shady Lady for missing our birthdays.
And speaking of going out when my first paycheck comes in SacSG needs to go out again.
That's all for now. Hope everyone is enjoying the summer.
I'll leave you with some great advice from one of my favorite people and personal hero.

So here is Brie Larson singing Metric's song Black Sheep
There was a drive by in the apartment complex next to ours last night. Not fun. The street was closed off and lined with cops. I have no idea if they caught the guy. It's pretty sad.
On a lighter note.
Yay summer vacation is finally here! It feels so good to have school out with no projects looming over my head. It won't last long though seeing as how I start work on Wednesday. I have to fully set up the Mac tomorrow and then start my online training the day after. Apperently there are these little tests I have to pass each day of training in order to keep my job so wish me luck. Hopefully they aren't that hard.
Also I went to go see Combichrist play with Rammstein! It was the most visualy stunning show I have ever seen. It was amazing. Any band that has metal angel wings that strap to the lead singer's back, open up and shoot fire is full of awesome. So here is a quick concert photo dump. Sadly any pictures of the stage don't do the show justice and camera phones suck at taking concert photos
First was lunch at Murder Burger. Sadly I've lived in the area this long and never been there.

My buddy EJ destroying a massive western burger that looks so small in his massive hands.

Pics of before the show.
This is how close to the stage we were

This is the birthday girl. She'd never been to a concert before and picked this one as her first. She had a fucking blast. The only problem was that she is shorter than me so she had trouble seeing. I was joking that next time we should bring her a step stool.

Then this is me, EJ and her boyfriend Dylan both who I've known for a really long time.

The show. The pictures really don't do it justice. I wish I had a picture of the massive balls of fire shooting up from the stage or the explosions. I really wish I had a video of when they set the roadie on fire with the flame thrower that they were firing out over the audience.

After the show we went to Rudy's and I got pure deliciousness


That's about it. Other than that I've just been being lazy enjoying my few days of summer freedom before I start working full time. I'll be going out soon hopefully. There is usually an end of the semester party a friend of mine throws for the english majors and he also owes me and Lex the first two rounds at Shady Lady for missing our birthdays.
And speaking of going out when my first paycheck comes in SacSG needs to go out again.
That's all for now. Hope everyone is enjoying the summer.
I'll leave you with some great advice from one of my favorite people and personal hero.

/end nerd post