It is like a 10 ton weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I just have two tests left which don't worry me at all right now.
My room looks like a finals explosion though

The best part about this is that I finally have time to read and sleep for awhile. All I want to do now is get plastered but that will have to wait till I get my first paycheck from Apple. Yup I'm an offical Apple employey now. Which is awesome except now I have to quit or hide my smoking from them because they tack on a $600 fee to your medical if you smoke which fucking sucks. I also now have this pretty 21' iMac in my room that I can't use. It's a work only computer so it's just sitting here looking pretty. My desk is a little crowded now though.

Having it here makes it tempting to get one though. Which is really sad because I don't need two computers for any reason other than work. My PC is like that sexy nerd girl you love and this Mac is like that hot model you want to fuck but is dumb as a brick. But hey they pay me well and I get benifits which is awesome and also means that I can FINALLY get new glasses. These have been broken for most of the semester I just haven't had the money to get new ones.
Also I get to go see Rammstein and Combichrist play together this week. I'm really excited about it
Incase you don't know who they are
Combichrist: (Because any Industrial band with two drummers is awesome
And just as a fun fact industrial music has strong roots in the Cyberpunk Science Fiction genre. See I did learn something while writing my paper.
The week after this shall be a week of drunk debauchery. A buddy of mine missed mine and Lex's birthday so he is taking us out to the Shady Lady and buying the first two rounds and he's also throwing and English major end of the semester party next week as well. I think I'm going to knock back a couple of Death in the Afternoons. All that contains is Absinthe and Champaign, So I'll have to break out my glasses, spoons, and buy a bottle of Pernod and get smashed all classy.
Well I believe that is all for now. Hope everyone is doing well and such.
Me this summer
It is like a 10 ton weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I just have two tests left which don't worry me at all right now.
My room looks like a finals explosion though

The best part about this is that I finally have time to read and sleep for awhile. All I want to do now is get plastered but that will have to wait till I get my first paycheck from Apple. Yup I'm an offical Apple employey now. Which is awesome except now I have to quit or hide my smoking from them because they tack on a $600 fee to your medical if you smoke which fucking sucks. I also now have this pretty 21' iMac in my room that I can't use. It's a work only computer so it's just sitting here looking pretty. My desk is a little crowded now though.

Having it here makes it tempting to get one though. Which is really sad because I don't need two computers for any reason other than work. My PC is like that sexy nerd girl you love and this Mac is like that hot model you want to fuck but is dumb as a brick. But hey they pay me well and I get benifits which is awesome and also means that I can FINALLY get new glasses. These have been broken for most of the semester I just haven't had the money to get new ones.
Also I get to go see Rammstein and Combichrist play together this week. I'm really excited about it

Combichrist: (Because any Industrial band with two drummers is awesome
And just as a fun fact industrial music has strong roots in the Cyberpunk Science Fiction genre. See I did learn something while writing my paper.
The week after this shall be a week of drunk debauchery. A buddy of mine missed mine and Lex's birthday so he is taking us out to the Shady Lady and buying the first two rounds and he's also throwing and English major end of the semester party next week as well. I think I'm going to knock back a couple of Death in the Afternoons. All that contains is Absinthe and Champaign, So I'll have to break out my glasses, spoons, and buy a bottle of Pernod and get smashed all classy.
Well I believe that is all for now. Hope everyone is doing well and such.
Me this summer
I wish. I'm capped out. No more raises until i get a promotion, which i don't really want...
I feel fine; thanks
a week of drunk debauchery ? Hell yes!!!! I wish you a cool week end, take care