This was breakfast
I'm so healthy.
So it's finals panic time. On the list is an eight page research paper for my Fantasy & Romance class, two papers two pages each plus research for my Sociology of Pop Culture class, a simple test in my Philosophy of Religion class, and lastly a fifteen page research paper on technological body modification in Cyberpunk and how it relates to and represents modern society and personal evolution for my Science Fiction literature class which also happens to be my senior seminar. Let the insanity begin!
I just have to wake up in this mood to get through it all
On the upside however I have a new job starting the 14th! I really needed it too. I have $40 to my name and bills to pay next month. I will be working as an "at home advisor" with Apple for a year. Basically tech support. It's only for one year but it pays $11.25 and hour and gives me benefits so WOOT. Also since it is a student job it doesn't start till after finals and they will work around my school scheduled for next semester. That's the real important part. It has been really hard for me to find a job lately because no one wants to hire students because we don't have open availability and with the economy the way it is they have their pick of the litter so I've been kinda screwed.
As a student I've been pretty fucked lately as it is. Not only is it hard to find work but my tution is rising every semester, many of my teachers are leaving because of budget cuts (which is bullshit because the head of the college just gave himself a raise at the beginning of the year so we know where that money is going when it should be going to the teachers.), so now classes that we all need are being cut. The English department is getting the worst of it since we're not an important major to the point they might have to take out the ability to focus on a certin area of literature because of the lack of teacher and classes. Soon eduation is not only going to not only be only affordable to the upper class (since they're going to probably be cutting governments grants) but it's going to be a shitty eduation on top of that.
To sum it up
End of school rant. Sorry about that it turned out a lot longer than it was intended to be.
To prepare myself for finals a friend of mine is coming down to watch bad offensive horrible movies and get drunk with me.
On the list is:
Visitor Q
A Serbian Film
Alien vs Ninja
Hope everyone is having a good weekend
P.S Had to write this quick since my friend is almost here so sorry for misspellings and all that jazz

I'm so healthy.
So it's finals panic time. On the list is an eight page research paper for my Fantasy & Romance class, two papers two pages each plus research for my Sociology of Pop Culture class, a simple test in my Philosophy of Religion class, and lastly a fifteen page research paper on technological body modification in Cyberpunk and how it relates to and represents modern society and personal evolution for my Science Fiction literature class which also happens to be my senior seminar. Let the insanity begin!
I just have to wake up in this mood to get through it all

On the upside however I have a new job starting the 14th! I really needed it too. I have $40 to my name and bills to pay next month. I will be working as an "at home advisor" with Apple for a year. Basically tech support. It's only for one year but it pays $11.25 and hour and gives me benefits so WOOT. Also since it is a student job it doesn't start till after finals and they will work around my school scheduled for next semester. That's the real important part. It has been really hard for me to find a job lately because no one wants to hire students because we don't have open availability and with the economy the way it is they have their pick of the litter so I've been kinda screwed.
As a student I've been pretty fucked lately as it is. Not only is it hard to find work but my tution is rising every semester, many of my teachers are leaving because of budget cuts (which is bullshit because the head of the college just gave himself a raise at the beginning of the year so we know where that money is going when it should be going to the teachers.), so now classes that we all need are being cut. The English department is getting the worst of it since we're not an important major to the point they might have to take out the ability to focus on a certin area of literature because of the lack of teacher and classes. Soon eduation is not only going to not only be only affordable to the upper class (since they're going to probably be cutting governments grants) but it's going to be a shitty eduation on top of that.
To sum it up

End of school rant. Sorry about that it turned out a lot longer than it was intended to be.
To prepare myself for finals a friend of mine is coming down to watch bad offensive horrible movies and get drunk with me.
On the list is:
Visitor Q
A Serbian Film
Alien vs Ninja
Hope everyone is having a good weekend
P.S Had to write this quick since my friend is almost here so sorry for misspellings and all that jazz
Yeah you need to get cracken. Come on!!! HURRYS UP!
I'm working on it Dru I promise