Hello all. Sorry for the long absence but life has been full of school.
It's towards the end of the semester so all the books now have to be madly rushed through while simultaneously writing papers. The insanity of it never stops. It's to the point to where I only get to see my gf about once a week.
I long for free time. My roommates are going out to the club tonight and as much as I like reading I would really like to put this book down and go get shit faced and dance. I'd end up in class hungover tomorrow but that's nothing I haven't done before.
Also the weather here is beautiful right now. This of course means laying on the grass in front of the English department having picnics while drinking beer and doing homework. The beer always seems to come out when the sun does.
I've been missing out on gaming lately which sucks. I can only manage and hour every two days right now it seems with Rift and I've got Pokemon White (yup I am that nerdy) sitting here next to my stack of homework longing to get played. Lately I've also been missing PNPRPGs. Back in Fairfield we had a group of about twelve that would get together drink booze and play D&D. It was like a nerdy poker night. But since coming to Sac none of the people I know up here play so my dice have been sitting here longingly in my drawer. I'll have to see if I can get my D&D group to hook up Skype so I can play from up here. I'll just have to invest in a webcam.
Life has just been crazy busy but at least I get to read some really good books. I'm working on getting ahead in my classes so that I can get some more Rift time in. I feel bad not being able to get on and play with my guild.
Also it is my opinion that cybergoth needs to be.. well.. more cyberpunk. Goggles and different colored dreads are not cyberpunk. Ok maybe the goggles
Hope everyone is doing well
It's towards the end of the semester so all the books now have to be madly rushed through while simultaneously writing papers. The insanity of it never stops. It's to the point to where I only get to see my gf about once a week.
I long for free time. My roommates are going out to the club tonight and as much as I like reading I would really like to put this book down and go get shit faced and dance. I'd end up in class hungover tomorrow but that's nothing I haven't done before.
Also the weather here is beautiful right now. This of course means laying on the grass in front of the English department having picnics while drinking beer and doing homework. The beer always seems to come out when the sun does.
I've been missing out on gaming lately which sucks. I can only manage and hour every two days right now it seems with Rift and I've got Pokemon White (yup I am that nerdy) sitting here next to my stack of homework longing to get played. Lately I've also been missing PNPRPGs. Back in Fairfield we had a group of about twelve that would get together drink booze and play D&D. It was like a nerdy poker night. But since coming to Sac none of the people I know up here play so my dice have been sitting here longingly in my drawer. I'll have to see if I can get my D&D group to hook up Skype so I can play from up here. I'll just have to invest in a webcam.
Life has just been crazy busy but at least I get to read some really good books. I'm working on getting ahead in my classes so that I can get some more Rift time in. I feel bad not being able to get on and play with my guild.
Also it is my opinion that cybergoth needs to be.. well.. more cyberpunk. Goggles and different colored dreads are not cyberpunk. Ok maybe the goggles
Hope everyone is doing well

thanks! and i know, polaroid film is out there but it's outrageously expensive. but that's the price we pay for beautiful things i guess lol.