I HAVE HEAT!! You have no idea how happy that makes me.
School has started. My classes shall be awesome but insane. I'm taking SciFi lit, fantasy+romance lit, philosophy of religion, and sociology of pop culture. I have no idea where they found my philosophy teacher but the guy is a nut job. He could show up to class with a wizards staff and a rabbit and not even explain why and it wouldn't surprise me.
Everything is going pretty well down here. I will update with more info soon but I'm dead tiered right now. My body is not yet use to my new sleep schedule.
But I leave you with good music. This song shall wake me in the morning
School has started. My classes shall be awesome but insane. I'm taking SciFi lit, fantasy+romance lit, philosophy of religion, and sociology of pop culture. I have no idea where they found my philosophy teacher but the guy is a nut job. He could show up to class with a wizards staff and a rabbit and not even explain why and it wouldn't surprise me.
Everything is going pretty well down here. I will update with more info soon but I'm dead tiered right now. My body is not yet use to my new sleep schedule.
But I leave you with good music. This song shall wake me in the morning
Good song; i got the record
Thanks again 

I will definitely look for other records of them