We now have internet at the apartment! But still no heat however. I have looked desperately for a Tauntaun to keep me warm with no luck.
School starts on the 24th and I am excited and frightened. The insanity begins again soon. Beer and smokes shall be needed.
Also life has been crazy down here. Two people who were really close to my lover have died in the span of a month. It has been really hard on her. She only had a week gap between funerals. She's a strong girl though and is making it through. That plus the move plus fighting with the financial aid office for my money (which luckily was released I'm just waiting for it to get into my account) has made this month absolutely insane. However all will work out in time I'm sure.
Other than that all is quiet. With the downtime before school I've just been Reading (William Gibsons "Pattern Recognition"), learning German with Rosetta Stone (I am determined to at least know one other language), and playing games on my DS (Pokemon, Scriblenauts, and the new Professor Layton). It's been nice. I sit in my big, ulgy, comfortable recliner that I got for free and relax.
Pictures of the new place will come in the next post which I am sure will be soon now that I have internet.
Hope this finds you all well.
Oh and I've had this fucking song stuck in my head for days and I can't make it go away. So because of that I share it with you all so that you may feel my pain.
School starts on the 24th and I am excited and frightened. The insanity begins again soon. Beer and smokes shall be needed.
Also life has been crazy down here. Two people who were really close to my lover have died in the span of a month. It has been really hard on her. She only had a week gap between funerals. She's a strong girl though and is making it through. That plus the move plus fighting with the financial aid office for my money (which luckily was released I'm just waiting for it to get into my account) has made this month absolutely insane. However all will work out in time I'm sure.
Other than that all is quiet. With the downtime before school I've just been Reading (William Gibsons "Pattern Recognition"), learning German with Rosetta Stone (I am determined to at least know one other language), and playing games on my DS (Pokemon, Scriblenauts, and the new Professor Layton). It's been nice. I sit in my big, ulgy, comfortable recliner that I got for free and relax.
Pictures of the new place will come in the next post which I am sure will be soon now that I have internet.
Hope this finds you all well.
Oh and I've had this fucking song stuck in my head for days and I can't make it go away. So because of that I share it with you all so that you may feel my pain.
I can't wait you tell me how you find this movie. Thank you, from heart & soul, for each of your words. You are a noble & kind soul, man

The song is just a pure delight!!!! 
Thank you