Life is insane but I got to be lazy this holiday. Which is nice because finals are coming up and they are going to kick my ass. The project cramming starts tomorrow at 8am and ends when I pass out or start hallucinating from lack of sleep (and even then I might not be able to stop)
Thanksgiving was random. I spent it with a family of COMPLETE nut jobs (not my own) and then had a second dinner with me ma's boyfriends family which are actually really good people. I stuffed myself with two dinners and spent desert talking to a girl soon to be out of grad school about post modern theory so it was nice.
After all that I got a ride back to Sacramento and since I can't be in the dorms for Thanksgiving break (without paying extra which is some bullshit for four days) I spent the next three days on my friends couch under a warm blanket watching movies, drinking, and smoking while she did a paper. I tried not to be to much of a distraction but the massive bottle of rum seemed to draw her attention away at times.
So now I'm back in the dorms recovering from a week of pure lazy which means come 8am I'm going to need a shit ton of caffeine (especially since I probably wont even get to bed till 5am).
Drama is calming down. It's just not worth the stress and insanity when I have enough of that in my life with school right now. If it works out it does and if not fuck it. At this point that's all I can do as it is and sometimes that's the best thing you can do.
Another song I love that I've had stuck in my head for the past few days. I hope you all enjoy it
Thanksgiving was random. I spent it with a family of COMPLETE nut jobs (not my own) and then had a second dinner with me ma's boyfriends family which are actually really good people. I stuffed myself with two dinners and spent desert talking to a girl soon to be out of grad school about post modern theory so it was nice.
After all that I got a ride back to Sacramento and since I can't be in the dorms for Thanksgiving break (without paying extra which is some bullshit for four days) I spent the next three days on my friends couch under a warm blanket watching movies, drinking, and smoking while she did a paper. I tried not to be to much of a distraction but the massive bottle of rum seemed to draw her attention away at times.
So now I'm back in the dorms recovering from a week of pure lazy which means come 8am I'm going to need a shit ton of caffeine (especially since I probably wont even get to bed till 5am).
Drama is calming down. It's just not worth the stress and insanity when I have enough of that in my life with school right now. If it works out it does and if not fuck it. At this point that's all I can do as it is and sometimes that's the best thing you can do.
Another song I love that I've had stuck in my head for the past few days. I hope you all enjoy it
haha no way! he's going nowhere if he steals those presents 

Yeah it totally sucks...but i hope that this profile will be deleted so the real Elyse can find her life back with all its privacy. I am going over this all. My other hope is that no one else get cheated on.
take care man. you are cool