Day 2 in the Dorm. This room is awesome and the roommates aren't assholes so it should be a good semester.
Classes start tomorrow and hopefully they'll be a little more laid back than the insanity that was last semester. I will once again be living off coffee and rockstars but it is good to be back up in Sac. There is a little drama but it should be over by the end of the week if all goes as planed but I'm trying not to count my chickens.
I'll have more to say tomorrow

Classes start tomorrow and hopefully they'll be a little more laid back than the insanity that was last semester. I will once again be living off coffee and rockstars but it is good to be back up in Sac. There is a little drama but it should be over by the end of the week if all goes as planed but I'm trying not to count my chickens.
I'll have more to say tomorrow

ps Thanks so much for all your love and support on my first set The Pink Suite