My boss at work who is usually just a bitch turned into a grade a cunt the past few days. She's been showing up on her days off trying to keep track of everyone. The thing about my job at the library is that if we stuck to just our jobs nothing would get done. the LA's have a tun of work to do as it is so we usually pick up the slack and if there is something that they need done, like a project like shelf shifting or looking for a missing book they ask us to do it. Which is fine. But this women thinks that all we are allowed to do is exactly what it states in our job description and sometimes not even that. I really think she has no clue what our jobs actually are. So me and the rest of the DA's have spent the last dew days getting yelled at for things we do all the time. Its a true pain. And the killer thing is that she's not even really our boss. She's our bosses boss. So she yells at us like she's our boss but if we come to her with a question she gets agitated and asks us why we're asking her because shes not our boss. Its just weird.
On top of that just things in general have been kinda stressful with my ex. Well ex-ish. We're trying to work things out but things seem to just pop up all the time. BUT I think I got it down this time (hopefully). You never know though. Working things out isn't the easiest thing in the world
Oh and I'm trying to cut back and eventually quit smoking. Its hard but I think I can do it. Yesterday I only had one and today is 2. Go me. I need to invest in some Cranberry juice to. It really helps out (well me at least). I've also started exercising and talking walks about once every other day. Sometimes everyday if I get the time. It helps relieve a little stress and cut down on the agitation from not smoking.
I need a good juggling website as well. I need to learn some new tricks and I've got no one to teach me. I'm tiered of doing the same tricks over and over. I need something new. Also a good contact juggling site if anyone knows one. I've been working on balance points a lot but I work better if I can see it done.
Tonight is practicing some poi. I found my old poi book that I picked up in a little juggling section of a game shop so I'm gonna go through that and try to learn some new stuff. Then my friend Meggo called me and wanted me to go to the bar with her tonight and hang out so I'm going to try and drag Elfie along with me as well. So it will be a nice wined down. Until work tomorrow. Which actually should be good because none of the bosses are ever there so no one really cares if anything gets done.
Hope everyone else is doing ok.
On top of that just things in general have been kinda stressful with my ex. Well ex-ish. We're trying to work things out but things seem to just pop up all the time. BUT I think I got it down this time (hopefully). You never know though. Working things out isn't the easiest thing in the world
Oh and I'm trying to cut back and eventually quit smoking. Its hard but I think I can do it. Yesterday I only had one and today is 2. Go me. I need to invest in some Cranberry juice to. It really helps out (well me at least). I've also started exercising and talking walks about once every other day. Sometimes everyday if I get the time. It helps relieve a little stress and cut down on the agitation from not smoking.
I need a good juggling website as well. I need to learn some new tricks and I've got no one to teach me. I'm tiered of doing the same tricks over and over. I need something new. Also a good contact juggling site if anyone knows one. I've been working on balance points a lot but I work better if I can see it done.
Tonight is practicing some poi. I found my old poi book that I picked up in a little juggling section of a game shop so I'm gonna go through that and try to learn some new stuff. Then my friend Meggo called me and wanted me to go to the bar with her tonight and hang out so I'm going to try and drag Elfie along with me as well. So it will be a nice wined down. Until work tomorrow. Which actually should be good because none of the bosses are ever there so no one really cares if anything gets done.
Hope everyone else is doing ok.
ah yes i am sure it was worth it for you
i'm bringing my computer because i think the person i am staying with has wireless so i might get a chance to talk for a breif moment and if not ill probably talk to you tuesday night at least