Insanity Prevails.
These 3 research papers might finally put me over the edge.
Truth in Othello and Oroonoko and how lies are represented as a purely western idea, a paper and presentation on e. e. cummings, and Emerson's creation of Transcendentalism.
Sounds fun right? The e e cummings one is due Tuesday but knowing me I won't start it till Monday night. Oh and I'm getting sick on top of that. You know whats not fun? Researching while you can't breath through your nose.
Besides I need to be in the right mood to work.... Last minute panic.
Life is good. I need to get my car registered. I just finally got it insured and since the Library is considered a government job I got a discount. *wootness* Well I'm off to procrastinate more and watch CSI.
Oh and if you haven't seen the movie Stay you totally should.
These 3 research papers might finally put me over the edge.
Truth in Othello and Oroonoko and how lies are represented as a purely western idea, a paper and presentation on e. e. cummings, and Emerson's creation of Transcendentalism.
Sounds fun right? The e e cummings one is due Tuesday but knowing me I won't start it till Monday night. Oh and I'm getting sick on top of that. You know whats not fun? Researching while you can't breath through your nose.
Besides I need to be in the right mood to work.... Last minute panic.
Life is good. I need to get my car registered. I just finally got it insured and since the Library is considered a government job I got a discount. *wootness* Well I'm off to procrastinate more and watch CSI.
Oh and if you haven't seen the movie Stay you totally should.
I guess if I had to say one, it's to not lower my standards under any condition.
Do you have any yet?