Making friends
I was queired the other day by someone who asked why I sent the a friends request when we had never talked so they rejected the request. I was wondering if anybody else thinks like me in that one never knows a person until they talk to them and this goes for all your friends and even family. Now if that intial contact is through a request to become friends is that wrong or should someone just send a msg saying something like this.
"Hey whats up was wondering if we could get to know each other as I would like to be friends. So tell me about yourself, what do you do for a crust or do you study instead, what are you likes/dislike, whats your fav music; books; tv shows etc, what do you do in your spare time"
Now I know for a fact that not everyone in the world is like me and to be honest thats a good thing as I get told on a regular basis I share to much of my life. I do not know why I tell everything to ppl just do. You can ask me anything you want dose not bother me but other ppl it dose so how would one approach a person to become friends..
Coz this is a problem for me I practicly know nobody and have particly no friends although I admit a lot is my fault coz I am shy when it comes to actually approaching someone espcially in a pub or similar place but for all the shynes I am as open and sharing as anybody. Any thoughts on this.........
Personally, I don't mind random friend requests, but if I haven't talked to the person or seen them around the boards, then I check out their interests and top ten and whatnot to see if we actually have anything in common. I'm pretty open to new people though. I know a lot of others on here aren't... maybe because they've been around too long?