Fucking insomnia
I am so over this not being able to sleep. I toss and turn for like hours and I swear by the time I actually get to sleep the alarm is ready to go off. Then for the bulk of the day I cant sleep either and when I do feel like it I am stuck doing shit like work which stops me. I hate this after midnight more 3 am sleep shit and then up at 6 and to make things o so much better when day light savings stops its a fucking 5 am start fucking yippe. I should never have given up the damned smokes and started this exercise shit I tell ya this whole healthy living crap sux coz i cant fucking sleep.
Damn I wish my bro would hurry up and send me a copy of CAD so I can learn how to use that at least my in ablity to sleep might be useful then and I might be able to earn some money which would be good.
.. I want to sleep damnit.
Ahh fuck this Im going for a walk i might help me sleep when I get back.
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Societies Outlook
Its funny when I look around I see people commenting on how much society has changed in the last few decades. If you ask me I do not think it has that much its just technology has just opended up more doors and made things more accesable. For instance the is a lot of debate about morals - be it sleeping with anything with a pulse (and there is no diffrence between guys or girls before you start.) , marriage, the value of life etc. People forget that men still fucked anything that moved and there have always been women who have done the same since the dawn of time. Nothing has changed here and I dont care what you say look at histroy for fuck sakes and the rich and noble were the worst for it including the religous, and after the fun they would find a " good clean wholesome partner"
Then there is this crap about video games and moveis desenticing and corrupting our youth turning them into violent killers. Do these idiots not look at the past once and not to long ago we did not look at ppl dying on a screen we went and watched it live in a town square or someother public place. Nothng has changed at all if you ask me. Life is no more scared then anything else and if you ask me why is it a murder can get like 15yrs or less and be out and someone who rips of a few million through robbery or fraud etc gets like 25.
You hear about the pro lifers saying no to abortions but they have no qualms about hanging a multiple murder. Fuck the bible talks about the shit. I could be wrong but society has always been fucked it just that technology has just opened up and provied greater access.
Accept it kids will fuck educate them on safe sex coz abbstince wont work. People will hate but get them to talk and most of all accept ppl for there differences, in the past I have been closed minded and one of these assholes now I just reserve it for those who firstly do not respect themselves or are not a productive part of society.
If I had the money and time I would love to visit places like the mid east, india, egypt, greece, italy, china, and scandinavia to look at there customs and culture and there history. But alas I lack the money, time and smarts to get me there so I will just live my life through a screen and a book.
Dont try to change the world just treat everyone how you want to be treated. Help 3 people for no other reason then you can. They might do the same then.
i wanted to drop by and say thank you (very very belatedly) for the comment you left on my latest set!!! I try