i just returned from a five day tour of the great northwest with my band. lots of fun. met some rad people along the way. made some new friends. i suggest doing it if you're in a band, because its a cool experience. i even got to see doug marstch's house in boise!
my band's going on tour next week. so if you live in boise, spokane, seattle, tacoma, or portland. and if you like powerful and emotional indie rock with a unique sound (includes a violin). keep yr eyes peeled for Avery Bell. coming to a town near you. you can check out some shit at averybellmusic.com. we just finished our first record so the songs on...
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war on monday! at least i think thats the right day. well anyway if it is, how appropriate to pick a day such as that one to go to war while most of this country will be too busy getting plastered off green beer to give a shit, and (probably unknowingly) celebrating the life of a man who slaughtered a bunch of pagan women for...
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so, i'm not usually one to promote violence or anything. but someone needs to seriously assassinate our fucking president.
on a lighter note i am thankful for the buzz osbourne interview.
on a lighter note i am thankful for the buzz osbourne interview.
the president does seem to make those who reject violence think violent thoughts, eh?
happy valentines
I do energy readings and healings, psychometry, also tarot and pendulum.
You do know time travel and invisibility aren't just for fantasy, right
You do know time travel and invisibility aren't just for fantasy, right
It is cool we have the same birthday. Anyway, if you're in the area maybe I can do a reading for you; email me.
About time travel, obviously there's a lot in the theoretical arena, ie Michio Kaku, but also time control experiments that suggest possible travel. Go inside a pyramid or pyramidal structure, it facilitates astral and imaginal time travel, travel on the subtler planes in general. As for invisibility, there are many spells which have been used throughout time that work. And I'm talking 'objective' invisibility as well as illusory camouflage, making people not see you. Also, HIS, human invisibility syndrome, I forgot the name of the woman who did the research. People have spontaneously and purposely gone invisible, it happens all the time. I have a friend who did at a club. It's about frequencies.
About time travel, obviously there's a lot in the theoretical arena, ie Michio Kaku, but also time control experiments that suggest possible travel. Go inside a pyramid or pyramidal structure, it facilitates astral and imaginal time travel, travel on the subtler planes in general. As for invisibility, there are many spells which have been used throughout time that work. And I'm talking 'objective' invisibility as well as illusory camouflage, making people not see you. Also, HIS, human invisibility syndrome, I forgot the name of the woman who did the research. People have spontaneously and purposely gone invisible, it happens all the time. I have a friend who did at a club. It's about frequencies.
Mi trabajo como guardaespaldas personal me lleva a un pequeo pueblo en un pas que es distinguido por sus fenmenos meteorolgicos extremos. Soy empleado por un caballero que teme por su vida, amenazado, como es l, por oscuras amenazas de violencia enfermiza libradas por personas desconocidas por telfono. Despus de algunas investigaciones preliminares, queda claro que las llamadas telefnicas son un invento producido por la...
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i can't wait to finish school in afew months and get to fucking portland. this town is too small and suffocating...
my band its headlining its first show up in portland next sunday the 26th. the ash street saloon. be there...or die.
hope all went welly...
*blink blink, blink*
//%^!...: **
smile. yr on candid camera.
i don't have much to say to you these days. but i'll listen to anything you may have to say....anything...anything at all..
the winter in oregon is really getting to me this year...anyone else?
i missed the snow...made a snow angel.
( *glances at friends list*)...it looks like we already are.
drip drop
splish splosh.