Jesus, I watched Requiem for a Dream stoned last night. It scared the shit out of me. It really did...I think that's probably one of the best antidrug movies ever made.
In other news, I am totally considering becoming a topless dancer for money. I just wrote my dad a check for a straight grand for car insurance. I had 1042 dollars in my account. I have two weeks until I get my next check...What the fuck. Somebody, please, come have sex with me for money. It will be mind-blowing, I promise.
Te echo de menos, Marta.
Happy birthday+1, Skullberry.
Wooshky, where the fuck you at? :p Don't give me some lame "I was out of the country, blah blah blah" excuse.
Even though that's probably the truth...
I went in for ADD screening at my school's clinic, expecting it to be free. It will cost 450 bucks. That sucks. I don't know if I've posted this previously, as I...obviously have a short attention span and severely afflicted short-term memory. And don't try to blame it on smoking pot, because I only do that once in a while. Short-term memory is affected by pot the short term, you could say, for casual users. Habitual users may experience a noticeable decline in short-term memory functionality, from what I understand. But anyway, I've had an awful memory since before I could even remember. People think I'm just idiotic or lazy or something. I have a bad memory. I wish that would work as a valid excuse. I wish I knew if I had ADD...I really hate saying that because the phrase is used so much: "I think I have ADD", "I'm so ADD", etc. People think that if they're easily amused, they have ADD. It goes so much deeper than that. I do know that if I have it I either cope with it very well or it's only a mild case. I'm able to function, but I wish I had a steadier supply of focus and concentration.
Leave me comments. I double dog dare you. Double dog.
In other news, I am totally considering becoming a topless dancer for money. I just wrote my dad a check for a straight grand for car insurance. I had 1042 dollars in my account. I have two weeks until I get my next check...What the fuck. Somebody, please, come have sex with me for money. It will be mind-blowing, I promise.
Te echo de menos, Marta.
Happy birthday+1, Skullberry.
Wooshky, where the fuck you at? :p Don't give me some lame "I was out of the country, blah blah blah" excuse.
Even though that's probably the truth...
I went in for ADD screening at my school's clinic, expecting it to be free. It will cost 450 bucks. That sucks. I don't know if I've posted this previously, as I...obviously have a short attention span and severely afflicted short-term memory. And don't try to blame it on smoking pot, because I only do that once in a while. Short-term memory is affected by pot the short term, you could say, for casual users. Habitual users may experience a noticeable decline in short-term memory functionality, from what I understand. But anyway, I've had an awful memory since before I could even remember. People think I'm just idiotic or lazy or something. I have a bad memory. I wish that would work as a valid excuse. I wish I knew if I had ADD...I really hate saying that because the phrase is used so much: "I think I have ADD", "I'm so ADD", etc. People think that if they're easily amused, they have ADD. It goes so much deeper than that. I do know that if I have it I either cope with it very well or it's only a mild case. I'm able to function, but I wish I had a steadier supply of focus and concentration.
Leave me comments. I double dog dare you. Double dog.
this, unfortunately, means i can't pay for your.. ahem.. services.
p.s. Spun is way better than Requiem, I promise.