Holy crap, I got 7 comments on my last blog. Either somebody loves me or I'm just that amazing...Might have something to do with animal magnetism, as well.
Today's my last day of work! Oh man I am happy about that. I'm NOT happy, however, about being broke after this. I'm moving into my townhouse on Tuesday (thought it was Sunday...wrong
) and it's going to cost a shit load of money. $800 for my half of the deposit, $135 electric deposit, $90 gas deposit + $60 opening fee. That's not to mention cable/internet services and the actual rent and utility bills...and school books...then I've got gas to take care of. Oh yeah, and my car insurance is $900 every 6 weeks. Jesus Christ. Is it any wonder why so many people suffer anxiety?
I went and saw my homies Sometimes It Rains play their like...third show last night. It was awesome fun. I made a surprising amount of new friends, considering my social awkwardness. I had a great time, and surprisingly I was not nervous or anxious or anything.
I've made quite a few new friends on SG, too. Hello all! I'm really excited to have met you all. I can't believe that It hasn't even been a month since I started subscribing; I feel as though I've been here forever!
My novel's coming along. Slowly, but it's coming along. Anybody interested in hearing about it? I might be typing up some more of the rough draft as well. Actually, I was thinking about revising my rough draft for the first chapter and possibly start posting it chapter by chapter...but then you would not have any incentive to buy it
I need some action. I want to video it. That would be hot. I feel like I'm breaking out of my shell, socially. Like, I actually want to party, something I've never ever really been interested in...I think it's because I've finally met people who are so similar to me, so friendly, so inviting. It's an amazing feeling. I've also learned the conversationally catalystic properties of large amounts of alcohol and marijuana (not necessarily both at the same time). I really connect with people when I'm on substances...which isn't often, mind you. I don't want to make myself out to sound like a pothead or an alcoholic. But I truly love the feeling of being able to disconnect from my reservations and say what I really feel. It's priceless to me.
I'm glad that the hostility I encountered with my roommate last year is gone. We were very, very close friends until we began living together. Terrible decision. It was a nightmare. He smelled awful, piled clothes in the floor and kept his room as messy as possible, disrespected my stuff, ignored just about anything that I told him, and had horrible hygiene - there was one instance in which he neglected to take a shower for a solid week. The smell was so bad that when you entered the room, you could tell he had been there by the stench. It was terrible.
We're getting back to good, though. We don't hang out anymore, but I'm going to try to hit up a skatepark with him pretty soon.
For every person that comments on this post, I will add them to my will and testament. Once I write it.
Today's my last day of work! Oh man I am happy about that. I'm NOT happy, however, about being broke after this. I'm moving into my townhouse on Tuesday (thought it was Sunday...wrong

I went and saw my homies Sometimes It Rains play their like...third show last night. It was awesome fun. I made a surprising amount of new friends, considering my social awkwardness. I had a great time, and surprisingly I was not nervous or anxious or anything.

I've made quite a few new friends on SG, too. Hello all! I'm really excited to have met you all. I can't believe that It hasn't even been a month since I started subscribing; I feel as though I've been here forever!
My novel's coming along. Slowly, but it's coming along. Anybody interested in hearing about it? I might be typing up some more of the rough draft as well. Actually, I was thinking about revising my rough draft for the first chapter and possibly start posting it chapter by chapter...but then you would not have any incentive to buy it

I need some action. I want to video it. That would be hot. I feel like I'm breaking out of my shell, socially. Like, I actually want to party, something I've never ever really been interested in...I think it's because I've finally met people who are so similar to me, so friendly, so inviting. It's an amazing feeling. I've also learned the conversationally catalystic properties of large amounts of alcohol and marijuana (not necessarily both at the same time). I really connect with people when I'm on substances...which isn't often, mind you. I don't want to make myself out to sound like a pothead or an alcoholic. But I truly love the feeling of being able to disconnect from my reservations and say what I really feel. It's priceless to me.
I'm glad that the hostility I encountered with my roommate last year is gone. We were very, very close friends until we began living together. Terrible decision. It was a nightmare. He smelled awful, piled clothes in the floor and kept his room as messy as possible, disrespected my stuff, ignored just about anything that I told him, and had horrible hygiene - there was one instance in which he neglected to take a shower for a solid week. The smell was so bad that when you entered the room, you could tell he had been there by the stench. It was terrible.
We're getting back to good, though. We don't hang out anymore, but I'm going to try to hit up a skatepark with him pretty soon.
For every person that comments on this post, I will add them to my will and testament. Once I write it.
I had a good $2000 in the bank when I got my apartment, I was dead broke for a couple weeks, it sucked.
It'll get affordable after the next month, power is pretty darn cheap in the summer.