So, I really need to find another job. Call me fickle, but I can't work where I'm not happy. Express is pretty stressful to me so far...but then again, I've only worked one day and I was partially high. I had to call in today, supposed to be from 3-7, but I called in early and got suckered into 130-6. Anybody else have a job where they make you call in? I hate that shit. Maybe they'll send me home early today. I hope they do.
I decided that my job will much more enjoyable if I just half-ass it. As I've stated previously, I cannot adopt the tactics that they force upon us to move their merchandise. It's against what I personally believe. Therefore, I will greet people, assist them when needed, check on how they're doing, straighten the store, and nothing more. No advertising about sales, no prying into their lives. The truth is that I simply don't care. Whether that makes me an honest man or a bad person is solely your opinion. But really, how can you be expected to give much of a fuck about anything for $8.50 an hour? That's far more than a lot of people get, and I'm being spoiled here, I realize that. But you're basically expected to wear the latest shit that's in the store, which I have so far not been forced to do...and that sucks. I have other stuff to spend my money on, like billetes aviones.
Liv, if you read this I am at work. Please email me! Te quiero y besos y todo.
I love reading all of your comments...this is the first time I've ever written in a blog that people actually read. It's good to be heard. Thanks for posting them
I decided that my job will much more enjoyable if I just half-ass it. As I've stated previously, I cannot adopt the tactics that they force upon us to move their merchandise. It's against what I personally believe. Therefore, I will greet people, assist them when needed, check on how they're doing, straighten the store, and nothing more. No advertising about sales, no prying into their lives. The truth is that I simply don't care. Whether that makes me an honest man or a bad person is solely your opinion. But really, how can you be expected to give much of a fuck about anything for $8.50 an hour? That's far more than a lot of people get, and I'm being spoiled here, I realize that. But you're basically expected to wear the latest shit that's in the store, which I have so far not been forced to do...and that sucks. I have other stuff to spend my money on, like billetes aviones.
Liv, if you read this I am at work. Please email me! Te quiero y besos y todo.

I love reading all of your comments...this is the first time I've ever written in a blog that people actually read. It's good to be heard. Thanks for posting them

I understand u with the job... being in a job u dont like can be just something temporary and u have to focus in the fact that is just temporary...if not could be more
u make my life a lot more happier! thanks my baby