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Monday Jul 17, 2006
Dear Straight-Edgers: I love you guys, but this next link is definite… -
Sunday Jul 16, 2006
Before I go to bed, I feel the need to promote some amazing hip hop: … -
Saturday Jul 15, 2006
Read More -
Saturday Jul 15, 2006
Pretty crappy day...But last night wasn't half bad! I went over to… -
Thursday Jul 13, 2006
But seriously, does flamenco make anyone else fucking hot? Geeeeeez I… -
Thursday Jul 13, 2006
Just updated my info, finally filled in my fantasy. It's pretty hot, … -
Wednesday Jul 12, 2006
I am beginning to enjoy posting, mostly because I look forward to rea… -
Tuesday Jul 11, 2006
Wow, two posts in one day. I'm really picking up some speed. I rea… -
Tuesday Jul 11, 2006
Another day at work means another day online for hours on end. I'm… -
Monday Jul 10, 2006
I'm at work right now...I hate this fucking job. I work 40 hours per …
So, do you really speak spanish? Because that's hot too
So, today I've taken it upon myself to read your profile and you seem so mature for a young 19! What are you studying in school? Not trying to be nosey... So, you're more that welcome not to awnser any of my nosey questions. Oh, and I read your 'Fantasy' and you should check out the 'Dirty, Filthy, Smutty Storytime' Group. It's pretty awsome especially if you like reading or writing erotic stories and fantasys. Just thought I'd let you in on just another facet of SG if you've not found it yourself.