But seriously, does flamenco make anyone else fucking hot? Geeeeeez I could fuck all night to some good flamenco guitar. The singing doesn't really do it for me, unless it's "Bamboleo" (Gipsy Kings). I've been listening to flamenco all day at work...I'm so in the mood.

Sorry, just had to share that. smile
I do love flamenco, I was watch a documentary the other day and there was some brief flamenco in it. Not very good though.

HOWEVER I prefer belly dancing. And the tango. I want to learn to tango.
Haha that won't be necessary. Just some antibiotics. I think.
Just updated my info, finally filled in my fantasy. It's pretty hot, you should check it out.

Call me retarded, but talking to a couple of friends that I've met on SG has significantly increased the amount of happiness I experience from day to day. I have something to look forward to, someone to share my thoughts with. SG is one of the greatest things...
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love love love love love love love love love love love love love

kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss
I am beginning to enjoy posting, mostly because I look forward to reading the comments that people leave for me. Thanks commenters smile

Perhaps it's a bit early for me to announce this, but I'm writing a book. Now, I say it might be early because I've made the same declaration quite a few times previously...but this time, I'm dropping all of my self-consciousness, and I'm...
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interesting... smile

ive tried many times to write a book but i have no the patience...

how is my SB? heheh

kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss
Wow, two posts in one day. I'm really picking up some speed.

I really, really want to be a Suicide Boy. I've always had fun taking pics of myself sans clothing...but I'm nervous that I don't have a very desirable body to look out, I'm not big enough, etc. I hope to get a camera, because borrowing one is not an option for me. I...
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Oooh! I noticed in your photos . . . Where in Spain were you?
eeek YEAH!! He thinks we're smart!! biggrin J/K...
I thought the very same things when I first signed up. Actually I still do. I have met so many new awsome people here.

And YES< YES< YES! Become an SuicideBoy. Confidence is HOt.
Another day at work means another day online for hours on end.

I'm blown away by the overall level of intellect and maturity of the majority of this site's members. This is like the nice neighborhood to Myspace's ghetto. There is such a wide variety of people here. I've met quite a few people from around the world - something that, even with millions and...
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As far as mypace goes . . . I do like the "everyman" quality of it . . . I've found people on there that I'm really glad I did, and I think it's a great way to just sort of keep in touch with people. That being said I still see a lot of problems with it . . . I just put a disclaimer on my profile saying "I will not add you if you are under the age of 18. My intentions are to use Myspace for Suicide Girls related endeavors, so due to legal/ethical reasons your friend request will be rejected. It's nothing personal. " I had a 15-year-old girl with a private profile try to add me, and I mean, good for her for having a private profile, but I definitely shouldn't be adding her. I only have one reali life friend added who is under 18 and I'm pretty sure she doesn't give a shit but I still don't feel entirely comfortable.

And yeah I still get pervy messages (only 2 so far though) but it's not the end of the world. Bulletins are a pain in the ass though, ESPECIALLY when people post like, 5 a day. YOU HAVE A BLOG, PLEASE USE IT!!! I've only posted 2 bulletins, one about a party I was having (which sounds scketchy, but I said "I'm having a party, if you're in the area let me know if you want to attend") another about a local Myspace event.

However, it should be noted, that "nice neighborhood" though this place may be, you still get assholes, creeps, and weirdos. But that's what the zot is for. ^_^

meh, you must be new. wink

head on over to the silliness boards for your ever-lessening IQ needs. ARRR!!!
I'm at work right now...I hate this fucking job. I work 40 hours per week @ $12 per hour for a total of $480 dollars per week. That means I make pretty decent money, considering my last job paid $6.50 per hour. Most people, especially those as indebted as I am, would stick with the job no matter how awful it is. Why do I...
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now is the winter of your discontent
Family guy?