:::paraphrased version is at the end, so to save time you can scroll to the bottom:::
So the night before last I went to Prom...yeah yeah, I know, here I am 20 and I'm going to a prom. It was cause my friend's friend had no date. Just broke up so I was invited as good company for her. It wasfunny, I have been out of school for like 2 years and I didnt even make it to the dance floor before I got yelled at by the principal...ahh, good times!
The prom itself was what I had expected it to be (I never went to mine for a lack of intrest) I was bummed cause I had to slow dance with her at every slow song, and the bastard DJ had to play 2 slow ones in a row! oh well. The coolest part of the dance though was I was sitting with my friend off to athe side, and these 2 chicks just came up to us, did this freak dance thing and then just walk off. I was happy cause the chick that came up to me and did it was way hot! she was shorter than me (a big plus) she had big gauges in her ears, and was skinny.
After the prom is where it all gets wierd. when we left this chick that looked pretty good in her dress and makeup (without the make up was a psycho hose beast) asked if I wanted to go hang out with her and her date (some sub par tattoo artist that thought he was awesome), I said sure. well to make a long story even longer this chick started to hit on me...litterally and in the flirting way. She slapped the shit out of my arm till it looked sunburned! Her date/boy friend leaves to get some coke to mix with whiskey. and she strattles my lap and starts tickeling me. then she tells me that "boys with mohawks are trouble and cant be trusted" but follows up with "that girl was lucky she went to prom with you" and "You have a cute smile"...
Ohh yeah all this time they are trying to talk me in to getting drunk with them. They were my ride to my car and they were sayin I had to get drunk and stuff and I could just sleep there, then they would give me a ride to my car in the morning. but I had to open to close at work the next day so I couldnt...it was a first, I actually argued with them for like 2 freakin hours why I wasn't going to drink!!! At one point I even tried to tell them that I was straightedge so they would leave me alone...but they saw through me! I finally told them that I would go there friday and get drunk with them since I dont have to work on friday, and then they gave me a ride to my car...when she dropped me off at my car she put her number in my phone and told me to call her...then tried to drive off with my coveted SG hoodie! yeah right, no way I'm letting some stupid fat ugly chick take my favorite jacket!
Then she text messages me the next day and was all blah blah blah, I dig you, blah blah blah. So to get my point accross I asked her too hook me up with her friend (the chick that came up to me and freak danced)...and kept asking...and kept askin until she told me to "back off" hahahaha
the text messages subsided after that...
Unfortunantly the fact remains I told them I'd drink with them on friday...This chcik is freakin me out and I dont want to go there...I'm still not really up to drinking after the whole absinthe thing...I'm just gonna dodge their calls!
here is the paraphrased version
I went to prom so this chick had a date, this hottie at the dance randomly freaked danced with me, after the dance hung out with the hottie's friend, The hottie's friend was a psycho hose beast with out the dress and make up on, Psycho hose beast was hitting on me, Hose beast and hose beast's boyfriend were trying to get me to get drunk with them, I argued against it for a long time, finally said I'd drink with them friday night so I could get a ride to my car, got dropped off and psycho hose beast tried to jack my SG hoodie, then put her number in my phone, next day she text messages me, telling me I'm hot, I dont like her so I ask her to hook me up with her friend the hottie...repeatedly
, she gets the clue and stops text messaging me, now I'm just going to duck the calls for me to hang out on friday.
So the night before last I went to Prom...yeah yeah, I know, here I am 20 and I'm going to a prom. It was cause my friend's friend had no date. Just broke up so I was invited as good company for her. It wasfunny, I have been out of school for like 2 years and I didnt even make it to the dance floor before I got yelled at by the principal...ahh, good times!
The prom itself was what I had expected it to be (I never went to mine for a lack of intrest) I was bummed cause I had to slow dance with her at every slow song, and the bastard DJ had to play 2 slow ones in a row! oh well. The coolest part of the dance though was I was sitting with my friend off to athe side, and these 2 chicks just came up to us, did this freak dance thing and then just walk off. I was happy cause the chick that came up to me and did it was way hot! she was shorter than me (a big plus) she had big gauges in her ears, and was skinny.
After the prom is where it all gets wierd. when we left this chick that looked pretty good in her dress and makeup (without the make up was a psycho hose beast) asked if I wanted to go hang out with her and her date (some sub par tattoo artist that thought he was awesome), I said sure. well to make a long story even longer this chick started to hit on me...litterally and in the flirting way. She slapped the shit out of my arm till it looked sunburned! Her date/boy friend leaves to get some coke to mix with whiskey. and she strattles my lap and starts tickeling me. then she tells me that "boys with mohawks are trouble and cant be trusted" but follows up with "that girl was lucky she went to prom with you" and "You have a cute smile"...
Ohh yeah all this time they are trying to talk me in to getting drunk with them. They were my ride to my car and they were sayin I had to get drunk and stuff and I could just sleep there, then they would give me a ride to my car in the morning. but I had to open to close at work the next day so I couldnt...it was a first, I actually argued with them for like 2 freakin hours why I wasn't going to drink!!! At one point I even tried to tell them that I was straightedge so they would leave me alone...but they saw through me! I finally told them that I would go there friday and get drunk with them since I dont have to work on friday, and then they gave me a ride to my car...when she dropped me off at my car she put her number in my phone and told me to call her...then tried to drive off with my coveted SG hoodie! yeah right, no way I'm letting some stupid fat ugly chick take my favorite jacket!
Then she text messages me the next day and was all blah blah blah, I dig you, blah blah blah. So to get my point accross I asked her too hook me up with her friend (the chick that came up to me and freak danced)...and kept asking...and kept askin until she told me to "back off" hahahaha

Unfortunantly the fact remains I told them I'd drink with them on friday...This chcik is freakin me out and I dont want to go there...I'm still not really up to drinking after the whole absinthe thing...I'm just gonna dodge their calls!
here is the paraphrased version
I went to prom so this chick had a date, this hottie at the dance randomly freaked danced with me, after the dance hung out with the hottie's friend, The hottie's friend was a psycho hose beast with out the dress and make up on, Psycho hose beast was hitting on me, Hose beast and hose beast's boyfriend were trying to get me to get drunk with them, I argued against it for a long time, finally said I'd drink with them friday night so I could get a ride to my car, got dropped off and psycho hose beast tried to jack my SG hoodie, then put her number in my phone, next day she text messages me, telling me I'm hot, I dont like her so I ask her to hook me up with her friend the hottie...repeatedly