Ok, So I'm in FL right now. And it's way awesome. The only thing is tonight me and my friends went to a party and met a couple of chicks, 2 chicks for three guys. So right now
I'm feeling like a third wheel so to speak. And since I'm sober and the DD, not being paired up with a chick is working as a...
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P.S. I totally forgot about Steph from Fullhouse! I loved Candice.... blush
my dentist is an ass

I went in today for a cleaning and to find out I need my wisdom teeh yanked. Well I have my septum pierced, and he comes in and starts talkin shit..."I had a bull with one of those and he got it stuck on a fence and it ripped through his nose" so I say "Well I'll try my best...
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honesty gets you no where, and Karma is bullshit. That is what I have come to realize.
Well Tucson was a blast, not to mention nice and hot...just how I like 'em! haha. My sister's Graduation was bad as shit. I was way proud of her! thats it for now... I tad on the tired side.
I get to go to Traffic school for my 3rd ticket today. yay (hopefully y'all picked up on the sarcasm) Not really lookin forward to it, but at least it wont go on my record. I dont need another one on my record! I already have like 35 points on my license already. Infact the wonderful State of Utah sent me a warning that said...
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so a few weeks ago I got my newest tattoo...I got a dog jumping through the orbital on the back of my ear. I tried taking a picture of it but it is a little shitty.

my roomie has a picture on his camera when he gets it on his computer and he sends it to me, I'll post the picture so I can fish...
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I decided that in August I'm moving back to Tucson. I'm not a big fan of Utah drivers, and the ever changing weather...not to mention I just plain miss Tucson.

Today psycho hose beast text message me again to say "good morning fat head." I wrote back and said good morning...

Later she called me and was buggin me again so I did what any mature 20 year old would do in my position. I said "Listen psycho hose beast, I dont like you...If I was in to fat ugly chicks it might be different...
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At least its not a fat guy again!! Like snider... He was crazy and its crazy you gave him ur number. But hey... Its ur life not mine..
hey, you are intitled to at least one mistake in your life...besides he seemd nice...
:::paraphrased version is at the end, so to save time you can scroll to the bottom:::

So the night before last I went to Prom...yeah yeah, I know, here I am 20 and I'm going to a prom. It was cause my friend's friend had no date. Just broke up so I was invited as good company for her. It wasfunny, I have been out...
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So a couple of nights ago I got a bottle of Absinthe. I was pretty pumped about drinkin it and stuff.

Just incase you dont know, its the green drink in EuroTrip. It was banned in the US in 1920 or something like that because it contains Thujon a hallucinogen produced by Wormwood.

Any way there is a 3 shot maximum in Europe, but me...
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yea drugs are kinda nutty like that.... not so much. Brad can help ya find jesus though. Man does that guy love jesus. Atleats its good that you learned your lesson glad to know you are feeling better.

So the night before last me and my roomie, Brad (theory), went to Salt Lake and saw the Atmosphere show. It was way bad ass! Slug signed all my cds and my DVD, not to mention he sang most all of my favorite songs! I had a great time! it made my week.

The only bummer thing about the night is that after...
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alright, so this last week was fairly busy as far as body mods go.

I upped my ear gaugres from 2 to 0...did the cutting on my neck...and got my tattoo in my had touched up. which brings me to my next point, check out the picture while my tattoo looks good.

Just in case you were wonderin the story behind that tattoo I'll tell...
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