im starting to notice a few others that i share my birthday with me on here. but today all i did was eat waffles and play fortnite with @jadestoner to celebrate. still not bad at all.
More Blogs
Well I missed the Halloween contest but decided to finish anyway.
I’m a traditional artist. So it takes a long time to finish. And b… -
Some quiz I was tag in (made by @lemon)
@jadestoner was insisting I do this. She called my bluff. So he… -
Congratulations Steph on sotd
@stephsugar It's looks like I was right! You did land safely in "P… -
Looks better in person!
@jadestoner white widow cover. I already got it up and framed. If … -
A Suicidal Love Letter ( part 29)
In My Last Breath… (My final thoughts) This is me, expos… -
A Suicidal Love Letter ( part 28)
I hate you. And I hate myself for hating you. I’m so confused now. … -
A Suicidal Love Letter ( part 27)
Now that I don’t want you anymore you come after me. Like a twiste… -
A Suicidal Love Letter ( part 26)
But still there was no answer. The pain of not knowing was unbeara… -
A Suicidal Love Letter ( part 25)
The dream became the diamond in my life. It was the only thing tha…