So there I was buried alive, 6 ft under my emotional distress. Trying to find a way till I was about to give up. I just wanted it all to end the moment I had lost sight of hope. I didn’t want to speak. I didn’t want to think, and I didn’t want to breathe. But somehow I found hope from my killer. Although I was dying, I wasn’t dead yet. What was killing me was motivating me to carry on. I wasn’t going to die without a fight! And I can’t die till the feelings are gone. And…
This Feeling Won’t Die.
Why does it make me want to cry?
When am I going to realize it’s over?
I can’t have her any more.
If only I can hold.
Let me be strong.
I need to quit lingering in a moment lost.
My mind is rambling on and on…
About her.
This feeling…
So deep inside.
This feeling…
Means so much.
This feeling…
Just won’t die.
This love for her is just too strong.
I had been with her so long.
Her love is all I know.
This love,
Just won’t die.