I was trapped here. I couldn’t escape. Nothing and no one could save me now. As if death wasn’t enough, my very existence became threatened. My hell started to tear away at my soul, everyday a little more. It was a death within a death. The hate had started to eat away at me now. And the decay had reached the soul.
My Soul Is Bleeding
I’ve fallen.
Broken apart…
Now I’m bleeding from the soul,
Crucified because of hate.
I was once whole.
In my days of love,
Now love lost,
I anticipate once more.
I’m bleeding from the soul.
Can’t you see me half dead on the floor?
The pain is what’s making me insane.
As I yell and scream internally,
I’m bleeding from the soul.
It’s the degree of torture in hell I took for you.
What wouldn’t I do?
The pain has me doing some crazy things.
I’m bleeding from the heart,
As my body grows cold,
In waiting for what the Lord brings.
All I wanted was to be heard…
For you to feel what I’m saying.
But now I’m dying.
I’m bleeding from the soul.
Please, don’t let my sacrifice go unknown.
For I die in hate,
In order to bring you love.
As I listen for the trumpets from above,
My signal, I wait.
But yet I still bleed.
My bleeding soul... Never will I be whole again.
But what do you care?
I’m just dying.