The mocking from my memories tortured my heart. It brought me further down to where death was breathing down the back of my neck. My heart grew cold. And my mind went numb from the ice in my veins. I was no longer who I once was. I was stuck lingering in our last moment. I kept replaying the memory over and over in my mind. I kept wondering where I went wrong. And it drove me insane not knowing what it was or the very moment when it happened. When you left, hate took your place. So…
What The Fuck…
Is life all about?
You’re born, you grow up, and then you die.
Sounds simple enough right?
Then why the hell is it so complicated?
For all that I’m going through,
The only goal I have left is death.
Why you ask,
When, after all, you believe life is good
And things will get better.
Well fuck all that.
What the hell do you know?
You have it better.
Some people just have it all.
I’m left with nothing.
My few great moments are taken away from me.
I know the full spectrum of emotion.
It’s just that feeling good comes in a glimpse.
Hate and mostly sadness fills my heart.
But there is a hole, an empty space.
Past love was nothing but lust leaving me with rejection.
A fool I am to search for love in a world of lust.
I’m left to believe I have needs that I’ll never come to meet.
I’m lied to so I lie back.
I hide my true emotions with a smile,
Much like a sad clown.
I want love.
But whom can I find to return the same?
This poor mangled heart of mine.
As it comes closer and closer to its last beat,
Will it find its just means?
Can I find what’s mine?