Logic could only carry me so far within the chaos of my passions. Reason had no true place with you. It was a fool’s game, even the wise got beat out by fools because of you. They were blind and innocent to your ways and unconditionally followed you. I envied the fools because they had you. Wisdom had become my double edge sword. I was left confused to how easy it was for them to stumble over the key to winning you over. Even after I figure it out, I still hesitated.
Soul Kiss, Soul Beginning, So in Love (Part 2)
You said that you love me.
But did I believe?
It took awhile for me to see this was from above.
It took too many arrows from cupid to make this love.
I found where I belong.
So how is it going to be?
I’m sorry it took so long.
I’m now seeing my faults in so many degrees.
I’m sorry for letting you fall,
When I should have shown you how to fly.
I’m sorry that I lied,
I make you cry,
And I let our love die.
I don’t know what came over me.
But missing that look in your eyes,
Made me realize,
That you are the only one for me,
And to love you the way love is meant to be.
I should have known, because it is in your kiss.