That glimpse into her soul had me wanting more. It even had me wondering more. Why in that one glimpse she revealed so much but not enough? She had shown me something so fragile and precious. It wasn’t something I could take. She allowed me to touch that side of her. The light of her soul kept calling me closer. But I wasn’t allowed to go deeper until I could prove I can be entrusted with the secrets that lay there. So I gave her something vital to me and told her…
For You My Heart
My heart springs toward you,
In hopes you will bring it closer to your own.
My love for you
Goes farther than the stars
You can see above.
Every moment spent with you is timeless;
As well as precious to me.
Such beauty can only make me wonder what I did right to gain your love.
Although far from each other,
You will always be near me.
I’ve never felt so close to anyone before. I felt connected. And not only that, that void was being filled. Something I’ve never known missing from me now had a hold of me. It began to change me. I have never done things like this before. I have never said things like this before either. Before giving my heart away, “I love you” were just words I really couldn’t feel. I had to let go my heart in order to truly feel. When I did, she allowed me to go deeper and I found myself truly…
Falling In Love
I was in awe when I first saw you.
For me to complement you on your beauty
Wouldn’t be saying enough.
For beauty,
Has already complemented you.
You are the living,
Definition of beauty that extends into sexy.
Perfection that lies within the judgment of my eyes.
As I stay mesmerized…
With every hypnotic move.
I’ve danced with you from afar.
Standing back…
Admiring you…
Thinking of ways…
To bring you into my fantasy,
Or be a part of yours.
You have innocently played with my thoughts.
You brought upon me wild dreams of love.
And above all…
You have changed my heart.
I’ve fallen in love.
For you have taught me to love.
And given me…
Overwhelming urges to express it.