What a day, so many good and bad things happend today. It was like the karma police were out in force to guarantee my accounts' balance.
I paid $219 to get my transcripts out of hock, then found out the grades they were withholding was a 4.0 in A/C and a 3.4 Advanced Electronics. I was also allowed to start my second last class on time this morning & I have the best instructor in the school teaching it with a former classmate of mine as his assistant. I'm now paid in full and assuming the the improbable doesn't happen I will finish on time as planned in November.
Great news for me! Good grades, no more pressing school bills, and the best teacher in one of my most important classes. (Though Sallie Mae ain't no whore and is gonna want her money soon, at least I get to graduate before she comes calling.)
Then on my lunch break a very nice police officer informed me that the speedometer on my 21 year old beater is about 12 MPH off on the slow side. So the 55 MPH I was traveling was in reality closer to 67, and my temporary registration had expired a week ago and I was driving an unregistered vehicle.
$375 worth of tickets later. I was on my way. But wait, I know what you're thinking $375 hardly seems equal to all the good stuff that happend today, until you factor in that my plates were siezed and now even though I have a car with like a million dollars worth of gas in it, I can't drive it. So how am I going to get to school or to work?
But fuck it, life is grand. Even the karma police can't piss in my shoe and tell me its raining.
I paid $219 to get my transcripts out of hock, then found out the grades they were withholding was a 4.0 in A/C and a 3.4 Advanced Electronics. I was also allowed to start my second last class on time this morning & I have the best instructor in the school teaching it with a former classmate of mine as his assistant. I'm now paid in full and assuming the the improbable doesn't happen I will finish on time as planned in November.

Then on my lunch break a very nice police officer informed me that the speedometer on my 21 year old beater is about 12 MPH off on the slow side. So the 55 MPH I was traveling was in reality closer to 67, and my temporary registration had expired a week ago and I was driving an unregistered vehicle.

But fuck it, life is grand. Even the karma police can't piss in my shoe and tell me its raining.