"Poor, twisted child...so ugly...so ugly"
"Sit and dream of love...because that's as close as you'll get to LOVE.."
November Spawned A Monster...truer words were never spoken. Mozzer, you dainty Manc!!!
Makes sense? Probably not. Are you one of those silly children who always got reprimanded for daydreaming in school? Weren't some forms of creativity emphasized while some were condemned with Scarlet Letters? There were invisible borders that stood between "a creative up and commer" and "schizophrenic attention defecit anxiety problem" Could it be that the particular kid quite possibly is a variable in statistics that just can't handle one more reading of Ethan Frome or A Seperate Peace? Perhaps this miscreant responds better to Voltaire, Ambrose Bierce, or (heaven forbid) Terry Southern?? Hell, maybe this mass of unharnessed attention is WELL ABOVE the beigns trying to administer knowledge (or our corporate feudal state's version of knowledge)? How do you maintain a healthy status quo of willing feudal serfs and a handful of wicked souls pooling all of the assets? Make any and all beigns feel INFERIOR to your authority and knowledge. Close down any and all paths of knowledge that may lead these curious souls away from the fields of commerce. Tell them that all of this nonsensical doodling on your notebook is really hindering the educational process. But give them some form, some minor table scrap, as a form of release so that there isn't a full scale cultural revolt. Do this in the form of Rodgers And Hammerstein musicals, benign art classes, and the barest of bones musical outlets featuring the inspiring classics of Irving Berlin and John Phillips Sousa. Hell, maybe even a Beatles or Beach Boys tune here or there will make you seem like a real PROGRESSIVE musical institution. And staff these various arts institutions with all of those failed conductors, tenth chair local symphony creeps, "never leaving the suburbs" literature hacks, Part-time artists with brain damage as their full time gig...all of these types of people have strong, orthodox convictions (plus a little of that high school loser vengeance bubbling inside) and they are more than willing to wreak havoc on any and all wayfaring souls. That's why our little democratic experiment has worked so well...INFERIORITY AS AN INSTITUTION. Reward those who are anyman and compliant with your particular slave state...make them feel like they too, can sit in the driver's seat of capitalism if they only take this certain road. Isn't that pure genius? Has there been any political movement as massive and near complete as this? A form of totalitarianism where the people are allowed venues of expression and taught ideas of freedom while they are shackled, rowing the slave ship towards distant coasts? One doesn't come to mind. Inferiority will save you from a life of curious stares and low pay. Inferiority will get you that car in the parking lot. Inferiority as arsenic with a silk, chocolate coating called a paycheck. Makes sense, tastes great, puts the kids to bed at night.
"If you're so very entertaining, why do you sleep alone tonight?"
Morrissey "Seasick, Yet Still Docked"
Twinkle "Terry"
Sandie Shaw "Girl Don't Come"
MX-80 "Crushed Ice"
Cookies "I Want A Boy For My Birthday"
Thin Lizzy "Romeo & The Lonely Girl"
Tom Waits "Whistle Down The Wind"
Eurythmics "Here Comes The Rain Again"
Zombies "Tell Her No"
David Bowie "Always Crashing In The Same Car"
Can "Uphill"
Mr. Bungle "Retrovertigo"
Johnny Cash "The Folk Singer"
Leonard Cohen "Iodine"
Throbbing Gristle "United"
Husker Du "The Girl Who Lives On Heaven Hill"
hio "The Lioness"
Beach Boys "Caroline No"
John Coltrane "Om"
Solomon Burke "Cry To Me"
Love "Always See Your Face"
The Move "Beautiful Daughter"
The Who "Love Reign O'er Me"
Bee Gees "Black Diamonds"
Left Banke "Walk Away Renee"
The Smiths "Unhappy Birthday"
...from the one you left BE-HIND....BE-HIND...BE-HIND...from the one you left behind.
Lovesickness is a mean motherfucking ailment, kids. Powerlessness, despite all overcomed obstacles, is tough.
"I'll Never Fall In Love Again"....tell 'em Mr. Bacharach!!!
"Sit and dream of love...because that's as close as you'll get to LOVE.."
November Spawned A Monster...truer words were never spoken. Mozzer, you dainty Manc!!!
Makes sense? Probably not. Are you one of those silly children who always got reprimanded for daydreaming in school? Weren't some forms of creativity emphasized while some were condemned with Scarlet Letters? There were invisible borders that stood between "a creative up and commer" and "schizophrenic attention defecit anxiety problem" Could it be that the particular kid quite possibly is a variable in statistics that just can't handle one more reading of Ethan Frome or A Seperate Peace? Perhaps this miscreant responds better to Voltaire, Ambrose Bierce, or (heaven forbid) Terry Southern?? Hell, maybe this mass of unharnessed attention is WELL ABOVE the beigns trying to administer knowledge (or our corporate feudal state's version of knowledge)? How do you maintain a healthy status quo of willing feudal serfs and a handful of wicked souls pooling all of the assets? Make any and all beigns feel INFERIOR to your authority and knowledge. Close down any and all paths of knowledge that may lead these curious souls away from the fields of commerce. Tell them that all of this nonsensical doodling on your notebook is really hindering the educational process. But give them some form, some minor table scrap, as a form of release so that there isn't a full scale cultural revolt. Do this in the form of Rodgers And Hammerstein musicals, benign art classes, and the barest of bones musical outlets featuring the inspiring classics of Irving Berlin and John Phillips Sousa. Hell, maybe even a Beatles or Beach Boys tune here or there will make you seem like a real PROGRESSIVE musical institution. And staff these various arts institutions with all of those failed conductors, tenth chair local symphony creeps, "never leaving the suburbs" literature hacks, Part-time artists with brain damage as their full time gig...all of these types of people have strong, orthodox convictions (plus a little of that high school loser vengeance bubbling inside) and they are more than willing to wreak havoc on any and all wayfaring souls. That's why our little democratic experiment has worked so well...INFERIORITY AS AN INSTITUTION. Reward those who are anyman and compliant with your particular slave state...make them feel like they too, can sit in the driver's seat of capitalism if they only take this certain road. Isn't that pure genius? Has there been any political movement as massive and near complete as this? A form of totalitarianism where the people are allowed venues of expression and taught ideas of freedom while they are shackled, rowing the slave ship towards distant coasts? One doesn't come to mind. Inferiority will save you from a life of curious stares and low pay. Inferiority will get you that car in the parking lot. Inferiority as arsenic with a silk, chocolate coating called a paycheck. Makes sense, tastes great, puts the kids to bed at night.
"If you're so very entertaining, why do you sleep alone tonight?"
Morrissey "Seasick, Yet Still Docked"
Twinkle "Terry"
Sandie Shaw "Girl Don't Come"
MX-80 "Crushed Ice"
Cookies "I Want A Boy For My Birthday"
Thin Lizzy "Romeo & The Lonely Girl"
Tom Waits "Whistle Down The Wind"
Eurythmics "Here Comes The Rain Again"
Zombies "Tell Her No"
David Bowie "Always Crashing In The Same Car"
Can "Uphill"
Mr. Bungle "Retrovertigo"
Johnny Cash "The Folk Singer"
Leonard Cohen "Iodine"
Throbbing Gristle "United"
Husker Du "The Girl Who Lives On Heaven Hill"

Beach Boys "Caroline No"
John Coltrane "Om"
Solomon Burke "Cry To Me"
Love "Always See Your Face"
The Move "Beautiful Daughter"
The Who "Love Reign O'er Me"
Bee Gees "Black Diamonds"
Left Banke "Walk Away Renee"
The Smiths "Unhappy Birthday"
...from the one you left BE-HIND....BE-HIND...BE-HIND...from the one you left behind.
Lovesickness is a mean motherfucking ailment, kids. Powerlessness, despite all overcomed obstacles, is tough.
"I'll Never Fall In Love Again"....tell 'em Mr. Bacharach!!!
the photos from the set i sent in are up in my journal if you want to take a look.
this generic cut and paste message has been brought to you by ~Kieri~
Teacher: - if I have five Pepsis and add two, how much more refreshed am I?
Pupil: - Pepsi?
Teacher: - Partial credit!
Nietzsche's most important lesson, maybe, is this: don't be afraid/ashamed of your superiority.
This is also the lesson of the recent animated movie The Incredibles.
I'm serious about this: there's a lot of wisdom out there in animationland...
So, er.... my resolutions are going ok, still not been properly drunk, or smoked a cigarette, or gone too long without exercise or fresh fruit...
Don't feel much different, mind.