When you drink a half gallon of booze, you fall down. It's really plain and simple. I must have either fell in a dozen mud puddles or a couple of random bunkers. Ruined a pair of shorts. There is dried mud n' such all over the inside of my truck. My copy of Nick Cave's THE BOATMAN'S CALL is scratched to shit. Must have been a rough night. I feel like I just finished 12 rounds with Mike Tyson. And I'm already drinking again. Well, Michelobs anyway. As soon as I find a fifth of whiskey...I'm going to give work a "heads up, I'm fucked, you won't see me tomorrow" call. Why not? Things are pointing in the drunken clown direction again. I may as well make a spectacle out of myself. Every town needs something to laugh at. Maybe I can be the town joke. This will be my contribution to humanity. A fucking human dartboard to throw your distaste at. It's not like Americans place any value in people just for the sake of being ALIVE or HUMAN. They need something to USE and THROWAWAY at their convenience.
Bought two more Nick Cave CDs. All I need now is NO MORE SHALL WE PART and LET LOVE IN and I'll have almost everything. I've already nailed down the Birthday Party. There is that CD he did with DIE HAUT that was recently re-released. The CDs I bought we FROM HER TO ETERNITY and THE BOATMAN'S CALL. The Boatman's Call is a great CD to listen to when you're drinking as a hermit among friends. Sad Sad times. And I'm going to line up more of the same tonight. A large pool of human emotional vacuums and a sloppy drunken lumberjack plopped right in the middle. With any luck, I can cough up some serious WC Fields impressions. Or maybe I'll let 'em bombard me with lawn darts until I feel like a human being again....Ahhh, The Old Dan Tucker is a-callin' and I'm Tupelo bound.
David Bowie "Diamond Dogs"
Nick Cave "In The Ghetto"
Spoon "Girls Can Tell"
Throbbing Gristle "Five Knuckle Shuffle"
The Cramps "My Daddy Drives A UFO"
Nick Cave "People They Aint No Good"
Wayne Shorter "Super Nova"
Can "Uphill"
Bought two more Nick Cave CDs. All I need now is NO MORE SHALL WE PART and LET LOVE IN and I'll have almost everything. I've already nailed down the Birthday Party. There is that CD he did with DIE HAUT that was recently re-released. The CDs I bought we FROM HER TO ETERNITY and THE BOATMAN'S CALL. The Boatman's Call is a great CD to listen to when you're drinking as a hermit among friends. Sad Sad times. And I'm going to line up more of the same tonight. A large pool of human emotional vacuums and a sloppy drunken lumberjack plopped right in the middle. With any luck, I can cough up some serious WC Fields impressions. Or maybe I'll let 'em bombard me with lawn darts until I feel like a human being again....Ahhh, The Old Dan Tucker is a-callin' and I'm Tupelo bound.
David Bowie "Diamond Dogs"
Nick Cave "In The Ghetto"
Spoon "Girls Can Tell"
Throbbing Gristle "Five Knuckle Shuffle"
The Cramps "My Daddy Drives A UFO"
Nick Cave "People They Aint No Good"
Wayne Shorter "Super Nova"
Can "Uphill"

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