Haven't had much time this week to be a "chatterbox" with you silly little freaks. HEY CHATTERBOX!! I HEARD YA SQUAK ALOT!!! Nothing wrong with a little David Johanses & Co. fix. I've been practicing with the drummer from Karoli. We've got this gig on Friday with these jazz characters. It's billed as a double trio and "improvised groove". All I know is I'll probably fuck up a couple of Jah Wobble runs and run the delay up to overdrive. Then it will de-evolve into NO WAVE territory. Why? Because I don't like hippies. Really, I just don't have that many bullets in the magazine in regards to bass playing. Especially if you need some form of groove. At the very least, it will be fun. I think I'm gonna go for the Bun E. Carlos of Cheap Trick look for that evening. Fat guy schleppin' around in an insurance salesman's garb. Shitty, short sleeved button up shirt with a magical Zip-Tie. Yes, I do not know how to tie the tie.
This weekends gonna be rough, too. Heading up to the fabled CLEAR LAKE MICHIGAN. I got stranded up at that booze plantation last August. Ran through like 400 bones and a case of Red Bull last time around. Maybe I can keep things under control this year. I'm only going to be there all day Saturday and Sunday morning. I've been on a little or no alcohol kick as of late. It's really working out well. I can probably get out of major boozin' if I offer the services of designated driver.
Hopefully, I can get back to you guys on Sunday. Unless I get stranded in some Northern Michigan sinkhole.
Cecil Taylor "New York City R&B"
If you freaks are in the Toledo area and are interested we're playing Friday The 25th at the Happy Badger on Reynolds Rd. The shit starts at 8 pm.
This weekends gonna be rough, too. Heading up to the fabled CLEAR LAKE MICHIGAN. I got stranded up at that booze plantation last August. Ran through like 400 bones and a case of Red Bull last time around. Maybe I can keep things under control this year. I'm only going to be there all day Saturday and Sunday morning. I've been on a little or no alcohol kick as of late. It's really working out well. I can probably get out of major boozin' if I offer the services of designated driver.
Hopefully, I can get back to you guys on Sunday. Unless I get stranded in some Northern Michigan sinkhole.
Cecil Taylor "New York City R&B"
If you freaks are in the Toledo area and are interested we're playing Friday The 25th at the Happy Badger on Reynolds Rd. The shit starts at 8 pm.

I desire to be the master of Crunk..
Crunk & Disorderly?