The Korg Lives!!! Back from the "abyss of woe" is the lands skankiest and most short-tempered electrical instrument this side of MAXIMUM OVERDRIVE. Although it has been repaired, it still retains some of its attitude. I think it simply doesn't like our music. Or maybe it hopes one day someone with an elementary knowledge of piano playing will use it. I understand its wishes. I know I would not want to be a percussion instrument if my former gig was back up keyboard for The Outfield or Cutting Crew.
What's up with the comeback of the hillbilly comics? Is it a George Bush thing? They think it's safe to come out and do juvenile bullshit? What? Do you think Bill Hicks' ghost would put up with that kind of nonsense? Kill the hillbilly comics.
The Secret Chiefs 3 and Agata from Melt Banana all have albums out this week. Freak City! Even the most reclusive Transmetropolitan comic fan/ chronic mast-r-bator will be out in full force to get some of that shit. I love it when we get in more copies of something like Agata than we do of the new Avril Lavigne. The real morlocks are taking over!!!
No anger so the post is pretty mild. Almost fluffy if you ask me. Stay tuned, though. Something will set me off soon enough. Shit, when summer really kicks in the white trash will develop attitudes which will inflate my bad attitude. No worries, though. I carry a taser and a bar of Irish Spring. True white trash repellants. There is a non-violent way to deal with the crustbucket . It involves filling a 5-CD changer with these five CDs:
Jandek "The Gone Wait"
Naked City "Torture Garden"
Albert Ayler "Live In Greenwich Village"
Lou Reed "Metal Machine Music"
Flying Luttenbachers "Destroy All Music"
I've got this turntablist friend who mashed up Metal Machine Music with Brian Jones presents: The Pipes Of Pan at Jajouka. Freakin' fantastic! I love to see the expression on people's faces with that one. Somedays I feel like Satan. I put all of these consumers and trash through all of this audio abuse to get their "bargains". They will filter through the whole store and endure white noise just to save two bucks. It makes me feel real good.
Shipping News "RMSN Three Four"
1) How would you spend your day if Bill Murray was in it for 22 out of 24 hours?
2) Where's a good place to perfect ones technique for performing oral sex on women? Website, book, magazine, etc.
What's up with the comeback of the hillbilly comics? Is it a George Bush thing? They think it's safe to come out and do juvenile bullshit? What? Do you think Bill Hicks' ghost would put up with that kind of nonsense? Kill the hillbilly comics.
The Secret Chiefs 3 and Agata from Melt Banana all have albums out this week. Freak City! Even the most reclusive Transmetropolitan comic fan/ chronic mast-r-bator will be out in full force to get some of that shit. I love it when we get in more copies of something like Agata than we do of the new Avril Lavigne. The real morlocks are taking over!!!
No anger so the post is pretty mild. Almost fluffy if you ask me. Stay tuned, though. Something will set me off soon enough. Shit, when summer really kicks in the white trash will develop attitudes which will inflate my bad attitude. No worries, though. I carry a taser and a bar of Irish Spring. True white trash repellants. There is a non-violent way to deal with the crustbucket . It involves filling a 5-CD changer with these five CDs:
Jandek "The Gone Wait"
Naked City "Torture Garden"
Albert Ayler "Live In Greenwich Village"
Lou Reed "Metal Machine Music"
Flying Luttenbachers "Destroy All Music"
I've got this turntablist friend who mashed up Metal Machine Music with Brian Jones presents: The Pipes Of Pan at Jajouka. Freakin' fantastic! I love to see the expression on people's faces with that one. Somedays I feel like Satan. I put all of these consumers and trash through all of this audio abuse to get their "bargains". They will filter through the whole store and endure white noise just to save two bucks. It makes me feel real good.
Shipping News "RMSN Three Four"
1) How would you spend your day if Bill Murray was in it for 22 out of 24 hours?
2) Where's a good place to perfect ones technique for performing oral sex on women? Website, book, magazine, etc.

I used to have a link to a very informative website...otherwise take your chances with some hookers, if you can get them to squirm you're doing something right 

Only cod liver.