Karoli had a show last Friday the 14th. It was a blast to be an inept waste of time. Is it possible to revel in your lack of talent and practice along with the mindset that you cannot break any new ground in anything that you do? I think you can. Maybe it was a big, violent celebration of worthlessness. As long as the vision and projection of that concept remains intact, things will be alright.
We had a member quit the night before the show. This cat had all of the bells and whistles that were going to whip the evening into shape. Ugly keyboard/synth, Theremin, Egyptian flutes, and pedals from here to Tuesday. Personally, I just wanted to have sound processing and forget all of that theatrical shit. Christ, we've already had Einstruzende and The Tubes..and even Faust. Or that's at least all my naive noggin can come up with at this time. Sound for sounds sake...y'know? Growling feedback, audio samples, tribal percussion...the finer things! All of those little kraut-rock dreams were thrown out with his departure.
So all of the pressure to give people something that was at least worth five bucks if not interesting...was on me. I pulled an old Volkswagen door out of the garage. Dug out some softball bats. Gathered a 19inch television and a VCR. and mustered any effects pedal within stealing distance. Hey, for the first time in our brief history, everyone who was there when we went on stayed to the very end. Granted, they all just wanted to take turns beating the snot out of a car door. If the kids had a good time and got out some aggression from something other than a macho mosh session..than fantastic. The females were getting into the bashing as well which made me very happy. I hate it when the girls are excluded and/or exclude themselves from that kind of insanity.
But no one was recording it via minidisk or camcorder so it's all lost to the memory. Which should last about as long as that car door did. I was going to drop some vocals but I broke the mike after about three lines. Honestly, it was alot like that grunge music skit on the Ben Stiller show except no one was keeping a beat or trying to look a certain way, Which may be a step in the right direction. In a music community in Toledo kind of way. Outside of the bars and cool circles. The lazy fuckups can just get together and paint hunting scenes on the cave walls. Maybe like the free folk/noise scenes without all of the know-it-alls. Is it worth the effort though? It would probably destory itself anyway. The hipsters always come in and stink up the place. Why can't we be kids, people? What's wrong with un-academic tribal gobbley-gook? Non Music for music haters!
Lee Hazelwood "Cowboy In Sweden"
depserate people talking to themselves...get it out!!
Only one question for you all today:
1) Can poverty be a healthy release and how?
We had a member quit the night before the show. This cat had all of the bells and whistles that were going to whip the evening into shape. Ugly keyboard/synth, Theremin, Egyptian flutes, and pedals from here to Tuesday. Personally, I just wanted to have sound processing and forget all of that theatrical shit. Christ, we've already had Einstruzende and The Tubes..and even Faust. Or that's at least all my naive noggin can come up with at this time. Sound for sounds sake...y'know? Growling feedback, audio samples, tribal percussion...the finer things! All of those little kraut-rock dreams were thrown out with his departure.
So all of the pressure to give people something that was at least worth five bucks if not interesting...was on me. I pulled an old Volkswagen door out of the garage. Dug out some softball bats. Gathered a 19inch television and a VCR. and mustered any effects pedal within stealing distance. Hey, for the first time in our brief history, everyone who was there when we went on stayed to the very end. Granted, they all just wanted to take turns beating the snot out of a car door. If the kids had a good time and got out some aggression from something other than a macho mosh session..than fantastic. The females were getting into the bashing as well which made me very happy. I hate it when the girls are excluded and/or exclude themselves from that kind of insanity.
But no one was recording it via minidisk or camcorder so it's all lost to the memory. Which should last about as long as that car door did. I was going to drop some vocals but I broke the mike after about three lines. Honestly, it was alot like that grunge music skit on the Ben Stiller show except no one was keeping a beat or trying to look a certain way, Which may be a step in the right direction. In a music community in Toledo kind of way. Outside of the bars and cool circles. The lazy fuckups can just get together and paint hunting scenes on the cave walls. Maybe like the free folk/noise scenes without all of the know-it-alls. Is it worth the effort though? It would probably destory itself anyway. The hipsters always come in and stink up the place. Why can't we be kids, people? What's wrong with un-academic tribal gobbley-gook? Non Music for music haters!
Lee Hazelwood "Cowboy In Sweden"
depserate people talking to themselves...get it out!!

Only one question for you all today:
1) Can poverty be a healthy release and how?
As for poverty, it can defititely release one from the distractions of materialism.
Shoulder to shoulder
Smiling and giggling
Everything I touch
put any kind of time into it
polish won't fix
Watching you play
"Pick Up The Pieces Again"
Is fabulous
I enjoy what the John's don't see
What street this week?
Survival Time again
I only steal what you can't see
I push it down hill for you
I get nothing out of the fist
Even less out of your casket
I need the iron bars
that only I can create
That void that scream
While the party rages on
Tell the preacher what you've become
Tell the man how you've been
What street this week?
What clinic this month?
Trap nothing
I'm clean to watch
Please Pay
and pay again
whore for life